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VK9CY Cocos Islands

VK9CY Team will be active from Cocos Keeling Islands, IOTA OC - 003, Australia, 29 November - 7 December 2023.
Team - YL2GM, EA5EL.
Recent DX Spots VK9CY
VK9CY Log search They will operate on 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, Digital modes.
QSL via YL2GN, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
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Ziedonis Knope, P.O.Box 55, Balvi, LV-4501, Latvia.

Cocos Islands

The Cocos Islands or Keeling Islands are a group of 27 small coral islands in the Indian Ocean, discovered over 400 years ago. The land area is 14 km2 and the population is 544. Only two islands are inhabited, the rest are uninhabited.

The place is famous for its extraordinary picturesqueness. Most of the area is occupied by tropical forests and beaches. Wild, untouched by man nature and snow-white sand attracts thousands of tourists every year. Keeling can surprise everyone with its views. It is comparable in beauty to the Maldives and other famous tourist destinations of the world.

The islands are located at a distance of about 2100 kilometers northwest of Australia. They are part of Australia. Do not border with any states, countries, surrounded by the ocean. The archipelago belongs to the category of dwarf countries because of its size.

VK9CY Cocos Keeling Islands
Cocos Islands. Author - Danica Jovanovic.

Historical Summary

Keeling is an island with a rich historical past. During its existence, the locality has changed several types of power, stages of government. The discoverer was Captain William Keeling in 1609. For a long time there was minimal interest in the new land. It was not rich in resources, did not represent an economic benefit.

In 1827, the first settlement was laid out, marking the beginning of the area's historic formation. In 1835 the Clunies-Ross dynasty took over the islands. A few decades later, the Australian government bought the rights to the land and included it in the Outer Australian Territories.

The history of the islands is quite rich and saturated, despite the fact that there were no active hostilities or battles on the territory. The area has undergone many changes that have accelerated its development and establishment as tourist islands. Due to its remoteness from the mainstream world and its unusual structure, Keeling has been able to preserve its naturalness and purity (minimal interference from the modern world). Today, tourists come here mainly for the solitude, the opportunity to enjoy nature untouched by man.

Geography. Features of the islands

Keeling is 27 small islands connected into one territory. Only 2 of them are inhabited. The rest are reserved for tourist entertainment, recreation, and are habitats for wild animals.

The surface of the islands is flat, without rocks, hills and steep hills. Sandy land covers prevail. The highest point above the sea is at a height of 5 meters. A huge number of palm trees grow throughout the territory. Fresh water is very scarce. For food purposes, the local population uses rainwater, which is collected in special reservoirs. For tourists there is a constant supply of drinking water. The territory has a well-developed tourist sphere. Visitors are required to obtain a visa, insurance. The attitude to visitors is attentive and polite.

The administrative center of Kiling is West Island. This is a small village located on the island of the same name with a population of about 150 inhabitants. The area of the main island is only 6.2 square kilometers. The infrastructure is poorly developed. Of the public buildings here are a hospital, a small market, an airport, a few cafes, a pier, a beach. All the rest of the space is planted with palm trees.

Kiling is easily recognizable on the world map: many small plots are lined up in the shape of a crescent. It is fairly easy to find, as the islands have no neighbors.

VK9CY Cocos Keeling Islands DX News Cocos Keeling Islands. Author - Udo van Dongen.


The climate is tropical, moderately hot. There are no sharp temperature changes. The weather is favorable for recreation and does not depend on the time of year. Both day and night the temperature remains almost at the same level, which is especially pleasant for tourists. On Kalinga there is no debilitating heat or cold winds, strong weather fluctuations.

The average air temperature varies around +26...+28 degrees all year round. Thanks to the constantly blowing humid winds there is practically no feeling of heat. The climate is favorable, mild and easily tolerated by the guests of the archipelago.

From time to time there are short-term heavy rains. They bring a slight feeling of coolness and freshness. There is no drought or too heavy precipitation that floods the land. Such weather has a favorable effect on the flora and fauna, allowing it to develop with positive dynamics.

From the beginning of October to the end of April cyclones come to the islands, often becoming the cause of large-scale destruction. At this time, the flow of tourists decreases. It can be unsafe to be on Kalinga during cyclones.


The nature of Kiling is not inferior in its beauty and scenic beauty to the famous Maldives. Snow-white beaches, clear, blue water and an abundance of greenery. Tourists love this area for its extraordinary scenery and brightness. The total number of animals is small due to the small land area. Fish, birds and representatives of aquatic elements prevail.

Due to the historical and geographical isolation, unique species of animals can be found here that do not live anywhere else. This feature makes the area unique and inimitable in terms of natural richness.

Birds predominate: the striped shepherd, the introduced green jungle fowl, the common guillemot, the white-breasted pogon, the eastern reef heron, the Caledonian quail and the introduced white-eyed whitethroat.

Mammals include sperm whale, humpback whale, grinda, dugong, and beaked whale. Terrestrial reptiles include geckos and blind snakes, sea snakes, and turtles. About 500 species of fish have been recorded.

The flora is mostly represented by a large variety of palms, tropical plants. Most of the territory is covered with vegetation. Beaches are covered with sand, small stones. The water is clean, transparent. On the territory you can meet poisonous snakes, especially dangerous for people in the summer period. Also, going to these islands, you should take care of protection from insects. As in any other country with a tropical climate, insects here can be very annoying.

VK9CY Cocos Keeling Islands Tourist attractions spotCocos Keeling Islands. Author - Jane and Dave.

Infrastructure, transportation

The islands are not equipped with developed infrastructure. You can reach them only by personal, rented water transport (yacht) or by airplane. Keeling is not equipped with seaports for cruise ships.

The capital is home to an international airport that receives flights from all over the world. The building was constructed during World War II and has undergone virtually no changes. Most tours involve primarily air travel as a way to get to Keeling.

Tourism sector

The tourism sector is the main sector in Keeling. It is the main source of income and sustaining the local economy. Most of the local population is involved in working with visitors, guests of the islands. The best conditions of rest are created for tourists. Kiling is ready to offer 6 hotels to choose from of different levels and service. Despite its small size, the area can please you with interesting excursion offers, active recreation and beach entertainment. Local residents are very friendly and polite to tourists. The crime rate is minimal.

VK9CY. Where are Cocos Keeling Islands located. Map.

VK9CY Cocos Islands. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 23:02 GMT sunset at 11:31 GMT
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