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T31W Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati

T31W. HA5AO, K5GS, W2LK, DJ9RR, HA0NAR, K6TD, KE4KY, N6HC, PY2PT, W1SRD, WA6O will be active from Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands (IOTA OC-043), Central Kiribati in 2017 as T31W.
They will operate on HF Bands.
Recent DX Spots T31W

Operating freqs
CW 1826.5, 3523, 7010, 10110, 14023, 18069, 21023, 24891, 28023
SSB 7090, 14185, 18130, 21285, 24955, 28485.
RTTY 7045, 10142, 14080, 18100, 21080, 24910, 28080.

For Immediate Release
Press Release - Final
Oct. 24, 2016

Central Kiribati T31W (Kanton Island)
2017 DX-pedition

With the recent activation of T31 by a small European team the Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) and T31W team have canceled their planned 2017 T31W activation. Usually when a DX-pedition is canceled there is little to no explanation for the decision. We will be more open:
As you may recall, we announced our intention to activate T31, Most Wanted Number 16, in March, 2016. We began building the team, applied for a license, secured a boat capable of safely transporting 12 operators and submitted documentation for visas. Additionally, banking arrangements were made, a Limited Liability Company was formed, we opened the website and documents were submitted by the team members. In other words, significant time and effort were expended by the team, including an outlay of money.
Seven months after we announced T31W a 3 man team from Europe activated T31 and made a total of 30,000 QSOs. Of the total, 5,000 QSOs were with Europe where T31 is one of the most needed entities. Subsequently, they announced their intention to return to T31 in 2017 to finish the job. Based on these events it makes no sense for us to commit personal or donated funds to continue the project.
When the news of this recent T31 activation became public we considered switching to one of two back-up DXCC entities. One that we’ve been in discussions with the governing agencies for over 2 years, and another that recently came into view. These alternatives are still under consideration.
We thank the DX community for their past support of our projects; donations made to T31W will be refunded over the next 30 days.
Questions may be directed to: info(@)

T31W News 16 August 2016

The Perseverance DX Group ( is on schedule for next year’s DX-pedition to Central Kiribati (Kanton Island). We are planning 15 days on the island during October, 2017.
Joining the team is Chris Tate, N6WM. Team members previously named are:
Arnie N6HC, Kevin K6TD, Heye DJ9RR, Pista HA5AO, Laci HA0NAR, Gene K5GS, Les W2LK, Glenn KE4KY, Mike WA6O, Ricardo PY2PT and Steve W1SRD.
The expedition yacht Evohe from Dunedin, New Zealand will meet the team in Apia, Samoa for the estimated 4 day sail to Kanton Island. The landing permit application is currently being reviewed by the authorities.
T31 is #18 most wanted on Clublog. However, the need in EU is significant for all modes. Getting a team to T31 requires a safe boat and qualified skipper / crew, this DX-pedition will not be inexpensive. The team is committed to paying 50% of the cost and we look to the DX community to help with the remaining 50%. The Donate function on is now available for your use.
Please direct questions to Gene K5GS or Pista HA5AO at their address.
Team T31W

Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati T31W Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands, Central Kiribati. Author - joann94024.

Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati T31W DX News Textile Cone.

Textile Cone, Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands, Central Kiribati. Author - wagon16.

Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati T31W Tourist attractions spot Runway Airport.Runway, Airport, Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands, Central Kiribati. Author - joann94024.

For Immediate Release
Press Release #1
March 13, 2016

Central Kiribati T31 (Kanton Island)
2017 DX-pedition

The Perseverance DX Group ( is pleased to announce their intention to activate Central Kiribati (Kanton Island) T31, currently Clublog number 22 most wanted. Initial planning has begun for a DX-pedition later in 2017.

Subject to licensing and landing formalities, it is expected a team of up to 11 operators will be on the island for up to 12 days. Initial discussions with a boat owner / skipper are scheduled to begin soon.

Team members committed, or considering their participation, include: Pista HA5AO, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O, Steve W1SRD, Arnie N6HC, Glenn KE4KY and Gene K5GS. Additional team members will be added throughout the planning phase.

Our website is under construction. Watch the usual DX sources for information. We will announce additional details as they develop.

Please direct questions to Gene K5GS or Pista HA5AO at their address.

Team Kanton Island 2017

T31W. Where Phoenix Islands are located. Map.

T31W Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati. Sunrise 03-14-2025 at 17:28 GMT sunset at 05:39 GMT
T31W Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati comments forum

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Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: RA3R
  • 2016-05-26 05:23:27