DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 176

T31T Kanton Island Photo Gallery
2023-03-26 16:07:26
T31T Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands DX Pedition Photo Gallery.

NP3U Puerto Rico
2016-10-28 19:33:52
Radio Amateurs members of El Combete Contest Team (WP3E), NP4WW, NP4RA, NP3RE, KP4CPC, WP4U, WP3GW, NP4EG, KP4EC, WP4MLX, WP3HP will be active from Puerto Rico Island, IOTA NA - 099, in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 29 - 30 October 2016 as NP3U.

CE0Y/XQ7UP CB0Y Easter Island
2019-07-16 22:02:12
Esteban, XQ7UP will be active from Easter Island, IOTA SA - 001, until 12 November 2016 as CE0Y/XQ7UP.

AT2W India
2016-10-28 13:56:32
Dennis, W1UE will be active from India in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 29 - 30 October 2016 as AT2W.

ZV2TA Tamandua Island
2016-10-28 08:31:51
Radio Amateurs from Cabreuva DX Team will be active from Tamandua Island, IOTA SA - 028, 19 - 20 November 2016 as ZV2TA.

5T4C Mauritania
2016-10-27 07:26:01
Ahmad, 9K2AI/5T2AI will be active from Mauritania in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 29 - 30 October 2016 as 5T4C.

Video N5TJ Interview
2016-10-27 07:09:13
Video. Tim, K3LR Interviews Jeff, N5TJ Single op World Record Holder in CQ WW Contests.

PJ2/PA3EYC Curacao Island
2017-11-14 23:08:27
Maarten, PA3EYC will be active again from Curacao Island 10 - 22 November 2016 as PJ2/PA3EYC.

PJ7/HB9FLX Sint Maarten
2016-10-26 07:33:18
Felix, HB9FLX will be active from Sint Maarten, IOTA NA - 105, 26 October - 4 November 2016 as PJ7/HB9FLX.

6Y9X Jamaica
2016-10-25 17:40:39
Paul, K1XM will be active again from Jamaica in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 29 - 30 October 2016 as 6Y9X.

2019-09-21 16:06:30
KE5OYQ, WA0D, W5AP, K4ZGB, KC5HWB, W5EXJ will be active from Costa Rica as TI7/KE5OYQ, TI7/WA0D, TI7/W5AP, TI7/K4ZGB, TI7/KC5HWB, TI7/W5EXJ.

T31W Kanton Island Phoenix Islands Central Kiribati
2023-03-26 16:07:51
T31W. HA5AO, K5GS, W2LK, DJ9RR, HA0NAR, K6TD, KE4KY, N6HC, PY2PT, W1SRD, WA6O will be active from Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands (IOTA OC-043), Central Kiribati in 2017 as T31W.

J6/WA1S J6/WA1F Saint Lucia Island
2016-10-24 21:30:00
Ann (YL), WA1S and Robert, WA1F will be active from Saint Lucia Island, IOTA NA - 108, until 27 October 2016 as J6/WA1S and J6/WA1F.