6Y6M 6Y7R Jamaica 2016-06-26 17:03:18 Radio Amateurs from VHF Pirates Team will be active from Jamaica 21 June - 5 July 2016 as 6Y6M and 6Y7R. Views12895 Comments0 More...
IA5C Capraia Island 2016-06-26 10:55:21 Giuseppe, IK5WWA will be active from Capraia Island (IOTA EU-025) 31 August - 9 September 2016 as IA5C. Views9520 Comments0 More...
WX4SKY/A Dauphin Island 2016-06-25 18:47:03 Scott, WX4SKY will be active from Dauphin Island, (IOTA NA- 213) 3 - 18 July 2016 as WX4SKY/A. Views9170 Comments0 More...
PJ2/W3HNK PJ2/K3NK Curacao Island 2016-06-25 13:29:45 W3HNK and K3NK will be active from Curacao Island (IOTA SA-099), 3 - 11 July 2016 as PJ2/W3HNK and PJ2/K3NK. Views8325 Comments0 More...
JT0YPS JT0YTX JT0YGC Mongolia 2017-08-20 14:46:53 UA9YPS, RA9YTX, RA9YGC will be active from Mongolia 19 - 24 July 2016 as JT0YPS, JT0YTX, JT0YGC. Views9453 Comments0 More...
J77HQ J75KG J79WI J79IX Dominica Island 2016-06-24 18:55:40 K5KG, WI9WI, W4IX will be active from Dominica Island (IOTA NA-101), 2 - 12 July 2016 as J75KG, J79WI, J79WI. Views10041 Comments0 More...
JW/M0MIE Svalbard 2016-06-24 19:53:30 Matthew, M0MIE is currently active from Svalbard as JW/M0MIE. Views7372 Comments0 More...
PJ6Y Saba Island 2017-04-20 22:07:54 PJ6Y. Radio Amateurs members of KB8OCP Davel Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure Team will be active from Saba Island (IOTA NA-145) 2 - 9 August 2016 as PJ6Y. Views10759 Comments1 100% More...
5W0RX Upolu Island Samoa 2017-06-10 22:30:48 Pascal, HB9EXA (E51EXA) is currently active from Upolu Island, Samoa (IOTA OC-097) as 5W0RX. Views9126 Comments0 More...
XT2AFT Burkina Faso 2016-09-30 20:50:07 DL2NUD will be active from Burkina Faso 14 - 24 October 2016 as XT2AFT. Views11074 Comments0 More...
XX9TGM Macau 2017-02-12 22:34:51 Gerben, PG5M will be active from Macau 20 - 27 June 2016 as XX9TGM. Views9089 Comments0 More...
JA8COE/8 Rebun Island 2019-09-02 12:17:42 Taka, JA8COE will be active from Rebun Island (IOTA AS-147), 24 - 26 June 2016 as JA8COE/8. Views10341 Comments0 More...
6V1IS/P 6V1IS NGor Island Goree Island 2017-11-25 17:43:51 Radio Amateurs from Italy will be active from Goree Island and NGor Island (IOTA AF-045), Senegal 6 - 16 November 2016 as 6V1IS/P. Views11310 Comments1 100% More...
XL2I Isle aux Coudres Quebec 2016-06-17 09:07:39 Radio Amateurs members of the NA-128 Contest Group will be active again from Isle aux Coudres, Quebec (IOTA NA-128) 28 - 30 July 2016 as XL2I. Views8523 Comments0 More...
ZL7/W1XGI Chatham Islands 2017-01-28 17:52:33 ZL7/JA1XGI. Haru, JA1XGI will be active from Chatham Islands (IOTA OC-038) 24 November - 1 December 2016 as ZL7/JA1XGI or ZL7/W1XGI. Views10208 Comments0 More...