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3B8M Mauritius

3B8M Team will be active from Mauritius Island, IOTA AF - 049, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 - 29 November 2025.
Team - G0CKV, KX7M, 4O3A and team..
Recent DX Spots 3B8M
3B8M Log search They will operate in M/M Category.
QSL via M0OXO.

Mauritius is an island in the Indian Ocean

The island of Mauritius is part of the island republic of the same name in the western Indian Ocean. Mauritius is the largest island of the republic, and it is here that its capital city of Port Louis is located. The area of the territory is 1865 square kilometers. The island is inhabited by about 1,245 thousand people. In the national composition of the population are the descendants of European colonizers and slaves from colonial plantations. The official language is English, but the population of Mauritius freely communicates also in French and German languages and Creole and African dialect. The state religion is Christianity, but the multi-ethnic composition of the population determines the presence of other beliefs, in particular Hinduism and Muslimism, as well as local religious cults. The majority of the population is employed in sugar cane farming, textiles and tourism. Mauritius has its own airport, receiving charter flights, which greatly facilitates the reception of tourists and business.

3B8M Sunrise, Hotel Ambre, Mauritius.Sunrise, Hotel Ambre, Mauritius. Author - Matthieu Guinard.

From colonial domination to independence

The island of Dina Arobi was first named by the Arabs who discovered the land in the tenth century. During the age of great geographical discoveries, the island became the subject of dispute between the leading colonial powers. In the early fourteenth century, the land was discovered by the Portuguese, who named it Sishna, in honor of one of the ships of the expedition. Soon the colonization of the island by the Dutch began, who named it after Moritz of Orange. The Dutch turned the island into a colony for growing and processing sugar cane and cotton, for which hundreds of black slaves were brought here. The Dutch colonizers were unable to solve the problem of the invasion of huge numbers of rats, which were brought here from European ships. Because of this problem, the Dutch colonizers had to leave the island. Over the next two centuries, the island was colonized by France and Great Britain. The French built fortresses and roads on the island, and the British gave this land its modern name - Mauritius. In 1992, the island gained independence as part of the republican state of Mauritius.

3B8M Grand Bay, Mauritius. DX NewsGrand Bay, Mauritius. Author -Rckr88.

The unique nature of the island

Mauritius is part of the Moscaren Islands. Mauritius is characterized by a flat, flat terrain. The highest point of the island Mount Piton rises to 826 meters above sea level. There are several extinct volcanoes on the territory of the island. The maritime tropical climate provides a comfortable average annual temperature of + 19 + 23ºC without the heat. The rainy season lasts from February to May. Precipitation on the territory of the island is unevenly distributed: in the mountainous areas up to 1500 mm per year, in the plains up to 5 thousand mm per year. Most of the island is occupied by tropical forests. Mauritius has preserved endemic animals such as the ant Proceratium avium, spider Nephilengys dodo. In the south of the island there is a reserve where you can see turtles. Mauritius is famous for rare plant species - giant tropical lily and corypha palm. The unique nature of the island is protected by the government, for which purpose a Botanical Garden was created in the northern part of Mauritius.

3B8M Sunset, Mauritius Tourist attractions spotSunset, Mauritius. Author - Malaquin Eric.

Tropical paradise in the Indian Ocean

The island of Mauritius is one of the most popular resorts in the Indian Ocean. Its territory has a developed infrastructure with roads, hotels, cafes and stores. Its coastline is an endless succession of beaches with the purest white sand, cut by small bays for swimming with picturesque coral reefs. Mauritius is equally well suited for lovers of relaxing beach vacation, as well as for those wishing to scuba dive or windsurf. In recent years, deep-sea fishing has been gaining popularity among tourists.

Among the attractions of the island guests usually visit the village of Chamarel, characterized by a unique lunar landscape. Dunes near the village are painted in different colors. The beautiful lake near the Hindu temple of Grand Bassin, in which fairies bathed according to legend, is a popular attraction. The main natural attraction of Mauritius is the national park "Black River Gorge", where you can see mountain rivers, waterfalls, many rare plants and flowers, as well as the highest point of the island. For those who dare to take a helicopter ride, a unique natural phenomenon - an underwater waterfall - can be seen from the heights. Independence Day, which is celebrated with carnival processions, performances and fireworks, is an interesting spectacle.

3B8M. Where is Mauritius located. Map.

3B8M Mauritius. Sunrise 03-29-2025 at 02:15 GMT sunset at 14:13 GMT
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Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: 3B8M
  • 2024-11-16 18:08:37
3B8M Mauritius News 16 November 2024 15th November 2024 3B8M will again be active M/M in CQWWCW 2024. Team in 2024 will include G0CKV (3B8HA), KX7M, 4O3A, 3B8GL, E70A, SM0CXU, YL3JA, YL2KL, YT1HA, YT7KM, YU6DX, YU9DX. Kazu, M0CFW (JK3GAD) will in 2024 again be 3B9KW for a SOAB entry. This is a field-day style operation. All antennas and stations have to be erected and assembled and then taken down in a few days around the contest weekend. Antennas at 3B8M are all vertical wires on Spiderbeam poles and next to the Indian Ocean with an unobstructed take-off in most directions. On 160 a toploaded vertical (umbrella) is used, on 80 an inverted-L and on 40 a vertical dipole. The 40m antenna is out in the lagoon on a rock. For 20, 15 and 10 VDAs are used and also omni vertical dipoles. Our VDAs are typically 2-element vertical dipole arrays (vertical yagis). In 2023 we also played with pairs of ‘stacked’ VDAs. We used stackmatch and control boxes from Jan at . This allowed the operators on 20, 15 and 10 to select VDA 1, VDA 2, both VDAs or the omni vertical dipole. In 2024 we might add aluminium vertical yagis to the mix. Noise is high on the LF bands in the tropics. Our location has low noise locally but propagated noise level is high when the bands are open. We have little space for receive antennas but as an experiment we have built a K9AY which we hope to put some 50m out on a rock in the lagoon. A receive triplexer makes the K9AY usable on 160-80-40. The K9AY setup also uses hardware from . In 2024 we will use a mix of K3, FTdx10 and Flex radios with SPE, Juma and PGXL amplifiers running 800W and will try some inband QSOs too.
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
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