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3D2CR Conway Reef

Dom, 3Z9DX planning to be active again as 3D2CR from Conway Reef, IOTA OC - 112, starting 17 September 2021 during 2 week.
That will be Single Op DX Pedition.
Recent DX Spots 3D2CR
3D2CR Log search More information soon.
Previous activity:

3D2CR Team start their activity from Conway Reef, IOTA OC - 112 today, 1 June 2019.
Team - 3Z9DX, JE1CKA.
They will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.

IOTA Team News about 3D2CR 23 October 2021


Please don’t read more into the announcement made by the IOTA Team than is written there. This is because speculation outside of that message may lead you to wrong conclusions. Our decision applies only to contacts submitted for credit to the IOTA Programme and is based on its rules. It does not have any bearing on acceptance of contacts for DXCC, any other award programme or for any contests in the Contest Calendar. If you are not a participant in IOTA, it will not affect you.

I would like to re-iterate that contacts in FT8 and a series of other digital modes continue to be accepted toward IOTA credits, providing that they comply with rule C.3.10 (see online Directory, IOTA Programme Rules).

Quite a few of you asked about the above rule. The IOTA Team is aware that technology is now available to allow an operator to manage multiple streams of digital data which helps him to make contacts simultaneously on multiple bands. This raises a number of questions for award management teams. One of these is for how long can a solo operator do this continuously without leaving the equipment making contacts? What is the length of time that someone can operate nonstop in this way, without taking even a tiny bit of a break for sleep? Is it 48 hours, 60 hours, 72 hours, 84 hours, 96 hours, or more? Rule C.3.10 needs to be read with this in mind.

Cezar, VE3LYC

3D2CR Open letter to IOTA Program members

About a week ago I was contacted by an Iota board member. I was asked to join the 3D2CR expedition to their program. (Not the other way around as the statment indicated) I never had the intention to join this program before. I agreed to send the information to iota board. After a few days, I received a reply that my activation would not be accepted due to too long ''LAPTOPS'' and RADIOS working time and short rest intervals 🙂 same as official IOTA NEWS information about ''breaking the rules'' Way of the statment from Iota board is very wrong. I Never breake any IOTA rules as I'm not IOTA member, chaser or anything related too. Again ,This is them who asked me to add 3d2cr to their program not me beging for any approval. I totaly don't care about IOTA board decission but I do not accept way of providing the news ,showing me as a RULE BREAKER pointing to automatic qso's machine. I told them if they can't do something not not necessarily means same for others. Last email from IOTA Board quotes :..''If we are wrong, we are willing to accept the blame from island chasers for not accepting your operation from OC-112 for credit..'' Yes they are wrong and it's up to you if you gona blame them. I wanted to remind you that I operated the same way from 3d2cr in 2019 and was fully OK for them without even asking me for anything Dear Iotoa chaseres ,My personall opinion.. World is going forward...Iota rules are still the same as in 1964 when they made this program alive. It is up to you what you want to do about that and up to you to ask them why they ban latest technology which simply make more IOTA mambers happy with large qso's numbers
With respect

Domink 3D2CR

3D2CR Conway Reef 3D2CR 3D2DOM 3D2USU 3D2DG 3D2FU 3D2JJ 3D2ZK licenses

3D2CR License

3D2CR Conway Reef answer to IOTA Management 23 October 2021

Dear IOTA board members

According to your IOTA NEWS 3d2cr did not operate any robots as per email conversation between us. This is you who asked me to add my 3d2cr activity to IOTA program. Not me. Personally I'm not interested in IOTA programs at all. If you can't handle your rules according the latest technology you eaither change the rules or change the board members Just to remind you 3d2cr operate same way in 2019 and was fully ok.. But now is not ok? Don't worry next year I will operate 8 radios FOX & Hund from Conway at the same time. BTW...maybe somone from the board will check what's multistream and F&H and how it works? You are able to do 30 to 40 qso's easy a minute using 4 or 5 radios at the same time. Your statement is ridiculous and makes me smile even more how you don't understand latest multi stream technology usind FT8/FT4 modes. Please remove also my 2019 logs from IOTA program as they were made same way as now using just 2 and 3 radios at the same time. In this case I do not wish my logs will be part of Iota program in the future..just simply don't need that till you open your mind for latest technology made by ham radio operators for ham radio operators. Wishing you guys smart future decisions 3d2cr

3D2CR Conway Reef IOTA News 23 October 2021

3D2CR operation by Dominik Grzyb from Conway Reef, September 2021
IOTA Management regrets that it will not be able to accept for IOTA credit contacts made with the 3D2CR operation from Conway Reef between 18 and 25 September 2021. Dominik has not been able to show that his FT4/FT8 activity complied with IOTA rule B.3.10 on which clarification was given in a Management News Item on 10 September. At Dominik’s request credit will also not be given for a small number of contacts made on SSB. Management wishes to draw IOTA DXpeditioners’ attention to its policy of only accepting for IOTA credit contacts that result from contemporaneous direct initiation by the operators on both sides of the contact. Automated contacts, i.e. contacts not initiated and completed personally by both operators at the time of QSO are not acceptable in a programme founded on an ethos of recognising personal operating performance and skill.
Team IOTA, 23 October 2021

3D2CR Conway Reef News 5 October 2021

3D2CR Conway Reef News 5 October 2021

Final log updated on clublog.

If you are not in the log or didn't get 73 let me know.

If your qso data will matched my data we will have a chance to recover this info from txt file.

There is several duplicate and triple qso's but I fully understand that you didn't know who the real one is.

Thanks all for qso's and wait for the news... Very soon.
73 Dom, 3D2USU, 3Z9DX.

3D2CR Conway Reef Images

Dom, 3D2USU publish some images from his 3D2CR activity.

3D2CR Conway Reef Images 2021 Image 1

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3D2CR Conway Reef News 28 September 2021

Still 2h to go.
The reason for this activity was full battlefield test for one man action using setup of 4 stations
I will make life presentation in some time how to operate 4 stations on ft8 F/H at the same time and how to make so many contacts using this qso's game changer
There is possible to operate even 6 radios and make 100.000 qso's from places like Bouvet by 1 man.
System is simple but requires a lot of attention. I burned 2 radios before I found the way how to protect them from each other during the operation.. Some people CALLED HE USE ROBOTS... Yes... I worked like a robot. FT8 requires from you robotic movements with clicking on the screen and adding stations to the waiting list...all day long... Like a robot.
Presentation soon

3D2CR Conway Reef News 25 September 2021

3D2CR QRT 25 September 2021 at 17.10 UTC. Dom is on the way to Fiji now.

3D2CR Conway Reef 24 September 2021 19.00 UTC

Dom, 3D2USU inform that he is ok.
He was active today using FT4 mode.
Its still very windy there and also strong rains.
Its possible that he will leave Island on Monday, 27 September 2021.
There is very little chance that he will be able to setup antennas on 80 and 160m.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 23 September 2021

Due to very strong winds 3D2CR have to stop his operation.
More info later.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 21 September 2021


The problem with missing RR73 comes from the pirate station that is trying to cause all the trouble. So if you have not got your RR73 you worked the crazy jammer!

So far 24300 stations in the log! The initial plan was to stay 10 days on the island and if there is enough petrol ( out of 150 liters) for the 2 generators he has, he will manage to stay.

Dom sleeps for up to 2 hours a day to give you all the chance to work Conway Reef.

1,2 and 3 element vertical arrays are in use. Last night he managed to install the 80m vertical and worked some 200 JA stations, but then the antenna got destroyed by the very strong wind. It is unclear if he will make an attempt to repair the 80m antenna. There are 4 radios and 1 kW in use .

The main problem, apart from sleep deprivation, is the constant strong wind.

He is ready to show the interested headshakers how to operate even 5-6 radios simultaneously.

All the pictures, videos and the log when he is back in Fiji.

Obviously he has no internet there so all your cluster comments do not get there at all!

3D2CR Conway Reef News 20 September 2021

After 56 hours of operation 16906 QSOs Logged.
Wind is still very strong 40 knots.
Impossible to setup antennas on 80 and 160m.
When wind speed will drop down Low Band antennas will be installed.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 18 September 2021

Now the activity in progress. The first qso in the log on Sep. 18, 03:41 utc. Due to very windy weather currently 20m and 17m antennas assembled. Later today planning to install 15m, 30m and 40m antennas. Antennas for 80m and other bands tomorrow - weather permitting. Propagation on 17m better than 20m. More news to come soon.

3D2CR Conway Reef 17 September 2021

Arrived at Conway Reef at 07.23 am 18 September 2021, Conway Reef. Its too windy 32 knots to attempt a landing on the island.
Waiting for the wind to cool down.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 15 September 2021

Dom, 3D2USU just out of marina heading to Conway Reef today at 09.00 UTC.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 8 December 2019

QSL Cards will be printed soon.

3D2CR Conway Reef QSL Image 1

3D2CR Conway Reef QSL Card Image 2

Conway Reef Statistic
QSOs Per Day and Operator of different DX Peditions.

3D2CR Conway Reef DX Pedition Statistic

3D2CR Conway Reef DX Pedition Log, QSL Policy

We’re working through some 3D2CR log issues. Basically what it boils down to is there are over 5,300 FT8 QSO’s in a adi file on one laptop, we can see them all, but when uploaded only shows 2,000+. We have a half dozen folks working on it, and when the log is 100% we will make an announcement.

Now let’s discuss our QSL Policy. Our Rebel QSL Policy states, “No Buro. Not now, not in 6 months, not in 2 years. OQRS only”. Now let’s translate that into English, “No Buro. Not now, not in 6 months, not in 2 years. OQRS only”. We are not members of the buro, nor are we ever going to become members of the Buro.

It’s come to our attention that a few PAID subscription services and Internet News Providers have taken issue with our QSL Policy. Oh, the hypocrisy! They charge YOU the good readers $50 a year and charge their advertisers mere thousands of dollars a year to put their logo’s on their Website, but they want the Rebels to offer free QSLs to the world via the Buro? Give it a rest. How about this? Maybe we should run a promotion that we’ll offer a FREE QSL to anybody that cancels the Daily DX subscription and saves themselves $50 a year, $500 a decade or $1,250 a Quarter Century! For any companies that cancel their DX World advertising – maybe we should offer FREE QSL confirmations to all your company employees? We really can do that ya’ know. We make and publish our own Rebel DX Group news.

We think it’s comical Barney, Colon and a few others have something to say about our QSL policy while they collect directly and indirectly from the Ham Community at large, and then give nothing to the folks making the news. They gave zero. They steal our news, but give nothing. We do not want any part of their scam. We do not want anything to do with Hams that take your money for news they paid nothing for, and then complain about the Rebels when we charge $5 per card after we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to activate rare and semi-rare locations for the Ham Community. Our advice to them is maybe they should stick to what it is they do, and we’ll do what the Rebels do.

About all we can say is if you think a $5 donation is too much for the Rebels to activate a rare DX location, then please save your money and do not work us. Like Geico says, “so easy a caveman can do it”. And if we go on a DXpedition in the future and nobody wants to work us, well, we’ve eaten even bigger attempts now haven’t we? We’ll take that chance.

The Rebels are the Rebels, and that’s the way it is.

N0UN and 3Z9DX Founders of Rebel DX Group.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 13 June 2019

Not all QSOs is uploaded to ClubLog yet and team still have problem converting logs from WSJT X to ADIF file but its expected that problem will be fixed end of this week or early next week.
That was quite expensive DX Pedition for the team and if ham radio community or Amateur Radio Clubs want to provide financial support you can do it via website or via ClubLog.
That will be highly appreciated.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 12 June 2019

Team is back to Fiji.
Part of the log already uploaded to ClubLog but some of the QSOs is not uploaded yet team is have some issues converting QSOs from WSJT X to ADIF and they working on that now.
They will fix that problem soon.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 10 June 2019 3D2CR QRT

Dom and Team are on their way to Fiji. They hoisted the anchor a little after 0000Z, 10 June and are 5 hours into their voyage to Fiji. At this moment they are making 7.5 knots under sail and utilizing both engines.

Conway Reef 3D2CR DX News 10 June 2019 QRT

They broke down the operating position(s) on the reef during low tide so when high tide came they were ready and able to get everything off the reef in 11 trips with the zodiac. This readiness for high tide saved quite a bit of time from the 30 expected back and forth trips to the catamaran anchored over a mile away.

3D2CR Conway Reef QRT

Dom did mention they lost 3 anchors on the catamaran. One to a broken chain, and two tangling into the coral.

The Rebel catamaran will need some maintenance and repairs after docking Fiji. Early expectations are for the next leg of the Pacific Tour landing Banaba as T33T in a month or so. Bob and John, excellent sailors from Fiji who sat with the catamaran off the reef are being bribed to also make the trip to Banaba.

As I write this post, Tack and Taddy are getting some well deserved rest, John and Bob at the helm, and Dom slept for a few hours and just now checked into the ANZA Net on 14.183 as E51DOM/MM with the vessels Icom 706 MKIIG and wire.

2.5 days under sail to Fiji is expected.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 9 June 2019

The 3D2CR Conway Reef Team is aware of the weather reports and has been making preparations for their travel back to Fiji. Dom is limited by weight in the zodiac making the trek back and forth to the catamaran. Expected to be over 30 separate trips at high tide.

Conway Reef 9 June 2019 DX News 3D2CR

Damaging Heavy Swell Warning Bulletin Number 07 Issued from the National Weather Forecasting Centre Nadi at 9:00pm on Sunday the 9th of June, 2019.

A DAMAGING HEAVY SWELL WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE SOUTHERN COASTAL AREAS OF MAMANUCA GROUP, VITI LEVU, KADAVU, BEQA, VATULELE, LOMAIVITI AND SOUTHERN LAU GROUP. Situation: A high pressure system to the southwest together with a low pressure system to the far south of Fiji generates and directs moderate to heavy southerly swells over the Fiji group: Forecast for Southern coastal areas of Mamanuca group, Viti-Levu, Kadavu, Beqa, Vatulele, Lomaiviti and Southern Lau waters. Over coastal/Land areas: Expect sea flooding especially during high tides. Over Waters: Damaging heavy swells with height upto 4m in open waters.

Forecast for the rest of Fiji waters: Moderate southerly swells. Swell Heights: Sunday 9th : 3.5m to 4.0m Monday 10th: 3.5m to 4.0m Tuesday 11th: 2.5m to 3.5m Tides High Tide: Monday 00.00am – 1.90m High Tide: Tuesday 01.00am – 1.93m

Conway Reef 9 June 2019 DX News 3D2CR

Marine Weather Bulletin Issued from the National Weather Forecasting Centre Nadi at 7:30pm on Sunday, the 9th of June 2019.

A STRONG WIND WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR SOUTHWEST VITI LEVU WATERS, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA WATERS, KADAVU AND VATU-I-RA PASSAGES AND NORTHERN VANUA LEVU WATERS. A DAMAGING HEAVY SWELL WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE SOUTHERN COASTAL AREAS OF MAMANUCA GROUP, VITI LEVU, KADAVU, BEQA, VATULELE, LOMAIVITI AND SOUTHERN LAU GROUP. Situation: A high pressure system to the far southwest together with a low pressure system to the far south of Fiji directs a moderate to heavy southerly swells over the group. Forecast to midnight tomorrow for Fiji waters: For Southwest Viti Levu, Yasawa and Mamanuca waters, Kadavu and Vatu-I-Ra passages and Northern Vanua Levu: Southeast winds 20 to 25 knots. Rough seas. For the southern coastal areas of Mamanuca group, Viti Levu, Kadavu, Beqa, Vatulele, Lomaiviti and Southern Lau group: Moderarte to heavy southerly swells. Further outlook: Southeasterly winds 20 to 25 knots with rough seas. Damaging heavy southerly swells.

For the rest of Fiji Waters: Southeast winds 15 to 20 knots. Moderate to rough seas. Moderate southerly swells. Further outlook: Southeasterly winds 15 to 20 knots. Moderate to rough seas. Moderate southerly swells.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 7 June 2019 Part 2

Two Ops, 22,000+ Q’s in the log (0630Z. 7 June)!

Conway Reef 3D2CR DX News 7 June 2019 Image 3

Quick note, 3D2CR on 160 Meters FT8 is in regular mode (NOT F&H).

Conway Reef is a desolate place!

Conway Reef 3D2CR 7 June 2019 DX News Image 2

Content (including images) may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Rebel DX Group.
Information from Wayne, N0UN.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 7 June 2019

After several attempts and several hours of trying, we have ditched our efforts of uploading an online log. Logs will uploaded to Club Log when the Team gets back to Fiji where we have regular high speed Internet connection(s).

Going forward on the Rebel Pacific Tour in the coming weeks and months, we will investigate other ways of transferring files. We will look at file transfers via HF radio and other means. Between the time and money required for online log uploads via satellite, we are seriously questioning the concept altogether. We are not a 20 man DXpedition that has raised a half a million dollars – we are a small group of dedicated Hams with our “lightweight” DXpeditions. We do not have “network experts” on board, nor will we carry network experts. We are Rebel Ham Radio operators.

We have 50 MB on one BGAN set aside for weather reports once we are on the open seas, and that’s the way it’s going to be. Like we mentioned in a previous post, it may be time to record your contacts so you don’t end up on the dupe list.

Travel by slow zodiac through a mile of coral reef (each way) takes time, but Dom is becoming familiar with the best paths and how much weight in food, fuel, etc. can be taken each trip, always remembering it all has to come back to the Rebel catamaran eventually.

Plans are at this time to pull up anchor on the 11th. Of course we are a dynamic DXpedition so times and dates can (and most probably will) change. We do not want to run ourselves into the ground at stop #1 when we still have several more stops in the Pacific planned. reports temperatures in the 70’s for Conway Reef, but the Team swears it’s 100 (38° C). And humid. Bugs are starting to bite, and we are aware of some wind gusts coming the next few days so we are taking precautions and reestablishing antennas. Not sure how Windy figures their information for an abandoned reef, but we have instruments on the reef and we assure you they are not the same readings relayed to the Team from

Look for us again during darkness on 80 and 160.

Conway Reef DX News 7 June 2019 3D2CR

3D2CR Conway Reef News 6 June 2019 Inmarsat

The Rebels received emails from Paul, N6PSE with the knowledge he gained connecting to Inmarsat satellites during their 3D2C Conway Reef DXpedition in 2012. That information has been relayed to the Team, and they will utilize it in their next attempt at trying to acquire an internet signal. This “no Internet” issue has been pushed up a few rungs because of all the same mode, same band dupes they are logging. Of course an immediate update will be sent if a connection can be made and the compressed log file transferred. The satellite paths on Conway are nothing like most have seen (or looked for) before.

3D2CR Conway Reef News 6 June 2019

17,000+ Q’s in the log – hot sticky days, hot sticky nights.

And the birds are 120 db 24/7.

The 160 Meter vertical is going up again today. Winds have calmed down some, they are going to try. No guarantees.

The Rebels received emails from Paul, N6PSE with the knowledge he gained connecting to Inmarsat satellites during their 3D2C Conway Reef DXpedition in 2012. That information has been relayed to the Team, and they will utilize it in their next attempt at trying to acquire an internet signal. This “no Internet” issue has been pushed up a few rungs because of all the same mode, same band dupes they are logging. Of course an immediate update will be sent if a connection can be made and the compressed log file transferred. The satellite paths on Conway are nothing like most have seen (or looked for) before. Thanks for the help N6PSE and Graham, VK3GA! How did we all do this before the Internet, DX Cluster spots and computerized QSO’s? #spoiled

It is recommended you may wish to record your CW or SSB QSO with the Team. Why a recording? The mind is a fickle thing. I know it has helped me with an anti-climatic Q after hours of calling. By the time I thought I heard my call, the Q was practically over. After all that excitement, a minute later I can’t remember what I did or said. Going back to the recording has kept me out of the unnecessary dupe line many times. Maybe it will for you too.

73 N0UN.

Conway Reef News 6 June 2019 3D2CR

3D2CR Conway Reef News 5 June 2019

Tack and Dom are grinding along with the “lightweight” Rebel DXpedition on Conway Reef. They are THE two Conway Reef operators. Dom is running SSB/FT8 and Tack is running CW/FT8. The Rebel catamaran is anchored a mile away. Taddy is keeping everything together on the reef including fueling, food and helping with antennas.

Speaking of antennas… ALL antennas are verticals. Tie downs, guy wires and even cables are being constantly bombed by what seems like millions of birds. At times, some brazen birds are trying to walk off with cables and equipment! Dom says it’s worse than the Alfred Hitchcock movie, lol.

Both BGAN terminals (separate accounts, numbers and laptops) are still not working on the reef. Minutes are prepaid, but neither will log in and acquire the Internet. Internet from Conway Reef is an ongoing and unresolved issue. shows constant winds at 13-15 knots, but the Team says it’s double that. The winds are preventing the build of the 160 and 80 Meter verticals. The 160 was built upon arrival, but collapsed soon after in the winds. Next attempt at their build appear to be Thursday morning as calmer winds are expected.

Several emails came in asking about 60 Meters. Dom has never operated there but says they have a couple miles of wire they can “tune a fish” with if needed. It is not out of the question and will be addressed as the DXpedition progresses.

The Rebel Team keeps plodding along. Steady as she goes. Nobody complaining, we all know what we signed up for – just giving you all the information we can.

Conway Reef 3D2CR DX News 5 June 2019

3D2CR Conway Reef News 4 June 2019

3 days, over 10,300 QSO’s in the log. 2 Ops (Dom and Tack JE1CKA) getting with it.

In a somewhat surprising twist, Dom said he has called CQ on SSB on several bands for over a couple hours total time – to NO replies – so they keep going back to FT8 where there seems to always be an immediate pileup. He is quite dismayed nobody answers, but is trying his best at giving the Ham Community as many QSO’s as possible from Conway Reef.

Even though both BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network) terminals were checked and double checked on Fiji, Dom has been unable to secure an Internet connection from Conway Reef. He will continue attempts to connect, but after 3 days of trying, it may be that any online logs, pictures and emails may have to wait until they get back to Fiji.

Conway Reef 3D2CR DX News 4 June 2019

3D2CR Conway Reef News 3 June 2019

Over 5K QSO’s in the log as of 0300Z (3 June, 2019). Problems with satellite beacon preventing log uploads at this time. Issue being worked on during breaks. The Rebel catamaran is anchored almost a mile (through coral) from team radio operations.

Using Chinese shipwreck San Sheng No.168 for shade (which now sits in middle of reef). No “green” on the reef anywhere. February cyclone wiped reef clean.

Previous activity:

Dom, 3Z9DX informs that 3D2CR DX Pedition postponed.
3D2CR Conway Reef. Radio Amateurs members of Rebel DX Group and 3D2AG will be active as 3D2CR from Conway Reef, IOTA OC - 112, May - June 2018.
They will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
More information soon.

3D2CR Conway Reef DX Pedition DX News

3D2CR Conway Reef

3D2CR. Where is Conway Reef located. Map.

3D2CR Conway Reef. Sunrise 03-18-2025 at 18:23 GMT sunset at 06:35 GMT
3D2CR Conway Reef comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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  • Callsign: KE4KMG
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  • Callsign: VK4NBX
  • 2019-06-02 10:55:15