NI5DX/P Mustang Island 2019-08-19 18:30:33 NI5DX and WD5IQR will be active from Mustang Island (IOTA NA-092) 17 - 19 September 2010 as NI5DX/P. Views8752 Comments1 100% More...
ZD8ZZ Ascension Island 2016-06-11 00:51:54 K7ZZ will be active from Ascension Island 6 - 19 October 2010 as ZD8ZZ. Views7322 Comments0 More...
YI9RLB Iraq 2018-02-11 11:31:07 KB2RLB is currently active from Iraq as YI9RLB. Views4907 Comments0 More...
V63YT Pohnpei Island 2019-10-09 00:51:43 JE1SCJ will be active from Pohnpei Island (IOTA OC-010) 24 - 28 November 2010 as V63YT. Views5947 Comments0 More...
J45MW J45PO Rhodes Island 2015-12-19 23:17:37 ON4MW and ON4PO will be active from Rhodes Island 26 October - 2 November 2010 as J45MW and J45PO. Views4620 Comments0 More...
MJ0CTR Jersey Island 2015-12-19 23:15:58 M0CTR is currently active from Jersey Island (IOTA EU-013) as MJ0CTR. Views4040 Comments2 100% More...
YI9GYS Iraq 2018-02-11 11:30:09 KG4GYS is currently active from Iraq as YI9GYS. Views4783 Comments0 More...
9J2MG Zambia 2015-12-19 23:13:18 9J2MG will be active from Zambia till end of this week 31 August 2010. Views4062 Comments0 More...
VK0KEV Macquarie Island 2016-07-01 18:46:44 Kevin, VK4KEV planning to be active from Macquarie Island (IOTA AN-005) starting October or December 2010 for up to 18 month as VK0KEV. Views4434 Comments0 More...
IH9/IZ5JMX Pantelleria Island 2015-12-19 23:08:42 IZ5JMX will be active from Pantelleria Island (IOTA AF-018) until 28 August 2010 as IH9/IZ5JMX. Views3850 Comments0 More...
UA0FUA Iturup Island 2019-08-02 12:04:35 Sergej, UA0FUA is currently active from Iturup Island (IOTA AS-025), Kuril Islands. Views5281 Comments0 More...
VK3ATX/P VK3DWH/P Gabo Island 2019-09-08 08:03:05 VK3ATX and VK3DWH currently active from Gabo island (IOTA OC-196) as VK3ATX/P and VK3DWH/P. Views4022 Comments0 More...
JW/HB9LEY JW/JQ2GYU Svalbard Island 2019-09-22 13:31:58 Joe, JA1LZR and Yutaka, JQ2GYU will be active from Svalbard Island 10 - 14 October 2010 as JW/HB9LEY and JW/JQ2GYU. Views5699 Comments0 More...
MS0SCG Isle of Arran 2016-05-01 17:40:34 Radiomateurs members of the Sands Contest Group and Workington Radio Club with EI6IZ will be active from Isle of Arran (IOTA EU-123) 18 - 25 September 2010 as MS0SCG. Views6086 Comments0 More...
AO8GLH La Gomera Island 2015-12-19 22:58:56 Radioamateurs members of the Gran Canaria DX Group will be active from La Gomera Island (IOTA AF-004) as AO8GLH. Views5789 Comments0 More...