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JW5HE Svalbard 2009

JW5HE Svalbard 2009

2016-05-31 22:18:55
Rag, LA5HE will be active from Svalbard Island from 4 - 10 of march 2009 as JW5HE.
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JD1BLK Ogasawara Islands

JD1BLK Ogasawara Islands

2015-11-07 12:39:40
Hideyuki, JM1LJS will be active from Chichijima Island (IOTA AS-031) Ogasawara from 29 april till 12 may 2009 as JD1BLK.
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SN0HQ IARU Contest 2014

SN0HQ IARU Contest 2014

2017-05-23 18:07:22
It is only one month left to the only official contesting world championship. This contest is unique and distinguishable from all other competitions by a few factors. All organisations in the world sponsor this event through the Union.
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C91FC Mozambique

C91FC Mozambique

2015-11-07 12:36:36
ON4AEO, ON7BK, ON4CJK, ZS6GC, ZS5AYC, ZR6AP, ZS6IMO, VK4AHT and VK4EMH will be active from Mozambique 9-13 april 2009 as C91FC.
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VK9XGI Christmas Island

VK9XGI Christmas Island

2016-06-20 15:58:34
Haru, JA1XGI will be active from Christmas Island 4 - 11 april 2009 as VK9XGI.
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WRTC 2014 Profile Ashraf Chaabane KF5EYY

WRTC 2014 Profile Ashraf Chaabane KF5EYY

2017-05-23 18:09:23
He is number one on the list of competitors in WRTC2014, representing Africa in Team AF. He is also the only participant from this huge continent, apart from two referees from South Africa. This is a paradox of short wave contesting - the highest scores in worldwide contests are generated in Africa.
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S21KD Bangladesh

S21KD Bangladesh

2015-11-07 12:29:10
6K5YPW, HL5FUA and 6K2AVL will be active from Bangladesh from 7 till 14 march 2009 as S21KD
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2016-06-12 16:02:37
The "WRTC2014 Chase" will run concurrently with the IARU HF Championship beginning on July 12 at 1200Z.
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9J2YO Zambia

9J2YO Zambia

2015-11-07 12:26:55
Gabriel, YO4HEK will be active during one year from Zambia as 9J2YO.
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WRTC2014 Profile - Ranko Boca, 4O3A

WRTC2014 Profile - Ranko Boca, 4O3A

2017-05-23 18:00:51
He has been on the air for 40 years now, with an interruption during the Balkan War in the 90s. It is going to be his third WRTC as a competitor, so actually he does not need a presentation for the contester community.
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JD1BMM Minami Torishima

JD1BMM Minami Torishima

2015-11-07 12:23:45
Masa, JD1BMM will be active from Marcus Island, Minami Torishima from 3 till 21 of march 2009.
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CR3L Madeira Contesting Cabana

CR3L Madeira Contesting Cabana

2023-05-07 19:10:43
Walter, DJ6QT, discovered the advantage of Madeira island many years ago. I think it was in the late 60s that he first visited the floating garden of Atlantic for radio purposes.
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GD8K Island of Man

GD8K Island of Man

2015-11-07 12:19:39
GW0ANA, MW0USK, DJ9ZB, DJ8NK, DJ6OI, DL8RBL, MW3LOI and DJ1AIB will be active in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest 28 - 29 march 2009 from Island of Man as GD8K.
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9167 articles found