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5A1AL Libya

Abubaker, 5A1AL ex 5A1A is currently active from Libya as 5A1AL.
He is active on HF bands CW, SSB.
Recent DX Spots 5A1AL
5A1AL Log search QSL via ClubLog OQRS only.

Starting 11 February QSL via ClubLog OQRS.

5A1AL News 11 February 2017

The QSL process for both call signs 5A1AL and 5A1A will be taken over by myself starting from 11th of February 2017.
All QSL requests till 10th of February 2017 will be handled by Randy W5UE.
Those QSL requests received by Randy via airmail after 10th of February will be forwarded to me.
I am going to upload my log to Clublog and QSL requests shall be send to me via OQRS. If any delay happens by the log uploading process you can send me an email for your QSL request.

5A1AL News 29 January 2017

The situation here is bad and we still have hope that it will get better but no signs for such a hope till now. Yes, I am still using 5A1AL, but I live in very limited space so my signal is not that good. I am using base loaded vertical antenna so no space for dipoles, beside that I have high level noise and I guess propagation is also not that good. We can try to set up a sked on the bands, of course if we have electricity here. We are suffering from power outage; most times we are without electricity for 8-9 hours/very bad during the cold winter.

5A1AL News 30 July 2016

Beginning July 30, 2016 the QSL process for 5A1AL and 5A1A (1995-2001) will be through my QSL Manager, Randy - W5UE. He will also upload the QSO(s) to LOTW after the OQRS request is made.

There are still a few QSOs remaining on my paper logs. If your QSO(s) are missing in the online (OQRS) log, just send me a short email with the QSO(s) details and I will work with my QSL Manager to resolve the missing contact.

I would like to thank all of my amateur radio friends who have supported me and enabled me to keep 5A on the air under these unstable and unsafe conditions that we are experiencing. A special thanks to AB6Z, W5UE, W6GJB, N6TA, W6PK, K6MKF, k0YQ, N6RK, N6NU and K5AZZ for their support and encouragement.

I apologize if I have left any one of my dear friends and supporters off this list.

This list of supporters is not closed by any means! You can be part of the support team that helps me keep 5A on The air. Email me for details.

73, Abubaker - 5A1AL

5A1AL News 29 June 2016

A group of American DXers have coordinated a successful procurement and forwarded "some needed radio/antenna equipment to Abubaker 5A1AL" says K0YQ, John.
This included "antenna supplies, headphones, antenna tuner, and antenna analyzer that should help Abubaker get out better from 5A in the coming months". Thanks to W6GX, Jonathan, for heading up this effort and to the other donors W6GJB, N6TA, W6PK, K6MKF, K0YQ, N6RK, N6NU and K5AZZ (ex AK6ZZ).

Libya 5A1AL DX News

Libya 5A1AL

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  • 2024-05-06 22:16:16
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  • 2017-08-18 02:49:23