DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 604

FS St.Martin
2015-11-05 15:30:07
KC4VG, N7UN, KB9AVO, WW5L, N0TU, W3FF and W6HFP will be active from St.Martin Island from 4 to 11 of February 2009 signing like FS/homecall on all bands.

PJ7 St.Martin
2015-11-05 15:26:58
KC4VG, N7UN, KB9AVO, WW5L, N0TU, W3FF and W6HFP will be active from St.Martin Island (PJ7) from 4 to 11 of February 2009.

VY2ZM Opinion on SO1R SO2R Category CQ WW DX
2016-06-22 07:45:30
To me SO1R and SO2R are essentially the same - both are true single op - SO2R is just a single op station that is more complicated and sophisticated and harder to BUILD.

VQ9RD Diego Garcia Island
2015-11-05 15:24:16
KI1G, Rick, will be active from Diego Garcia as VQ9RD from February 10-18 2009

VK2IM Opinion on SO-SOA CQ WW DX Contest
2016-12-06 20:20:08
I think the assisted category should not been introduced in first place. I think that it is good idea to merge the assisted and not-assisted back into one category.

2010-02-22 12:22:05
K0IR K0JGH K0MD K1KD K4RT K4UEE K9SG N4GRN N6MZ NA5U W0GJ W0NB W0RUN W6IZT W8OI will be active from Desecheo Island

CU5T Sao Jorge Island
2015-11-05 11:55:36
CU8AS HB9CQL HB9CRV will be active from Sao Jorge Island (IOTA EU-175) on 160-10m CW SSB RTTY from 28 january till 2 february 2009.

HF0APAS South Shetland Islands
2015-11-05 11:51:24
Janusz, SP9YI will be active from South Shetland Islands (IOTA AN-010) Antarctica till november 2009 using call sign HF0APAS.

Hey there, in the tub
2016-05-21 00:21:03
Well, guys from the CQ WW Contest Committee grew sad and retracted into their Diogenes’s reflector. They do not know that it also has ears for a very long time already. In fact, they are curious where 4L5A gets information from.

JD1BND JD1BMM Minami Torishima Island
2015-11-05 11:43:59
Masa, JA6GXK (JD1BMM) and Kingo, JK1PCN (JD1BND) will be active from Minami-Torishima Island (OC-073) from 24 January to 9 February.

An open letter to the CQ Contest Committee
2017-05-19 15:43:16
QUESTION: Will the CQ CONTEST COMMITTEE open its closed discussions of the fate of Single Operator categories to the public or will we first learn of them when the rules are changed?

VP8DIF South Georgia Island
2015-12-27 14:09:48
Lars, MM0DWF (DL9LB) will be active from South Georgia Island (AN-007) in February, he will use his VP8DIF callsign

E71A Bosnia Hercogovina
2015-11-05 11:21:25
Emil, E71A will be active in CQ WW 160m Contest 23 - 25 january 2009 in SO category.