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Bouvet Island ON4WW

Bouvet Island ON4WW

2016-04-24 20:08:47
On 26 October 2014 an announcement was made through various channels that I had obtained permission to land and reside on Bouvet Island (3Y/B) for the mid-January 2016 until mid-April 2016 time frame.
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3Y ON4WW Bouvet Island Press Release 3

3Y ON4WW Bouvet Island Press Release 3

2016-04-24 20:09:35
Are you as excited as I am, being able to work K1N Navassa, the #2 Most Wanted Entity? What a thrill, and what a fine job the operators are doing under such difficult conditions!
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ON4WW Bouvet Island Announcement 9 May 2015

ON4WW Bouvet Island Announcement 9 May 2015

2016-04-24 20:09:57
Before sending out a press release, I wanted to share the following with those fellow hams who generously pledged to financially support the Bouvet Island "one-man three-month concept".
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Bouvet Island Announcement

Bouvet Island Announcement

2017-01-10 20:01:34
Three proven and experienced DXpedition leaders and a large team of operators will activate the DXCC number #2 most wanted DXCC entity in late 2017 or early 2018.
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3Y0G Bouvet Island

3Y0G Bouvet Island

2017-01-24 10:23:33
International Team of Radio Amateurs planning to be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN - 002 in February 2017 as 3Y0G.
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Bouvet Island

Bouvet Island

2017-01-12 20:30:32
Dom, 3Z9DX inform that he is looking for 3 operators willing to join DX Pedition to Bouvet Island.
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3Y0I Bouvet Island

3Y0I Bouvet Island

2024-01-02 12:18:14
3Y0I Bouvet project on track. Zoom meeting with team members finished.
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3Y0Z Bouvet Island Press Release 5

3Y0Z Bouvet Island Press Release 5

2017-05-13 14:03:16
The Bouvet Island DXpedition team (3YØZ), is pleased to make an important announcement about our transportation plans to Bouvet Island.
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3Y0Z Bouvet Presentation

3Y0Z Bouvet Presentation

2018-06-22 22:54:28
Narrated Power Point presentation recently presented at the DX Forum at Dayton Hamvention and W5DXCC/HamCom.
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3Y0J Bouvet Island

3Y0J Bouvet Island

2023-08-05 12:19:26
3Y0J log uploaded to LOTW today. OQRS buro cards function will be activated soon.
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Results from forum

Экспедиция 3Y0J Эпилог

Экспедиция 3Y0J Эпилог

2023-03-04 21:22:54
Экспедиция 3Y0J завершена, но до сих пор продолжается обсуждение ее работы. Интересно конечно и мнение наших читателей. Лично мое мнение с самого начала экспедиция обрастала различными скандалами однако планы организаторов выглядели грандиозно и с их стороны делалось все для того, чтоб радиолюбительское сообщество в них
3Y0J DX Pedition Epilogue

3Y0J DX Pedition Epilogue

2023-03-04 21:30:39
Expedition 3Y0J is over, but we are still discussing its work. Of course, the opinion of our readers is also interesting. Personally, my opinion from the beginning of the expedition was surrounded by various scandals, however the plans of the organizers looked grandiose and everything was done by them That the radio amateur
VP6R - Pitcairn Island - News

VP6R - Pitcairn Island - News

2019-05-05 19:01:44
VP6R Pitcairn Island DX Pedition News More Progress to Report: Our nine Flex radio stations arrived at K9CT's QTH, all packed in Pelican cases. Each case contains a Flex 6700, power supply, foot switch, headset, and necessary accessories. Our station laptops have also been updated and loaded. All that is needed is the entry