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Search results for tag 5t5pa

5T1GM 5T5PA/P Arguin Island

5T1GM 5T5PA/P Arguin Island

2021-10-09 07:48:08
5T1GM and 5T5PA/P will be active from Arguin Island, IOTA AF - 050, 15 - 19 October 2021.
  • Views6065
  • Comments3
5T5PA Mauritania

5T5PA Mauritania

2020-10-19 21:04:25
Johannes, PA5X will be active as 5T5PA from Mauritania, starting 17 February 2019 for coming 6 month.
  • Views42117
  • Comments14

Results from forum

WRTC 2022 - Ðîññèÿ

WRTC 2022 - Ðîññèÿ

2022-11-30 09:59:37
Ñåãîäíÿ ïðî÷èòàë ñîîáùåíèå îò Òîííî, ES5TV â ðåôëåêòîðå WRTC ïðèâîæó åãî ïåðåâîä: Íåêîòîðîå âðåìÿ íàçàä çíà÷èòåëüíàÿ ãðóïïà ó÷àñòíèêîâ èç ÅÑ âûðàçèëà
WRTC 2022 - Ðîññèÿ

WRTC 2022 - Ðîññèÿ

2022-11-30 09:59:37
Ñåãîäíÿ ïðî÷èòàë ñîîáùåíèå îò Òîííî, ES5TV â ðåôëåêòîðå WRTC ïðèâîæó åãî ïåðåâîä: Íåêîòîðîå âðåìÿ íàçàä çíà÷èòåëüíàÿ ãðóïïà ó÷àñòíèêîâ èç ÅÑ âûðàçèëà
5T5PA/P - Mauritania

5T5PA/P - Mauritania

2020-08-21 17:24:17
Johannes, 5T5PA is currently active as 5T5PA/P from Mauritania. He is working on HF Bands. QSL via PA5X, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW. Ads for direct QSL: Johannes Hafkenscheid, Riouwstraat 89A, Amsterdam, 1094, XK, Netherlands. 5T5PA Azouiga, Mauritania Azouiga, Mauritania. Author - Pascal Dellouve.
5T5PA/P - Mauritania

5T5PA/P - Mauritania

2020-08-21 17:24:17
Johannes, 5T5PA is currently active as 5T5PA/P from Mauritania. He is working on HF Bands. QSL via PA5X, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW. Ads for direct QSL: Johannes Hafkenscheid, Riouwstraat 89A, Amsterdam, 1094, XK, Netherlands. 5T5PA Azouiga, Mauritania Azouiga, Mauritania. Author - Pascal Dellouve.
Intrepid Spirit Award - 5T5PA

Intrepid Spirit Award - 5T5PA

2021-05-16 18:42:13
From the International DX Convention: The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce the recipient of the annual “Intrepid Spirit Award”. We are pleased to have received so many worthy nominations to consider. This year’s award goes to a notable DXer Johannes Hafkenscheid 5T5PA, who was very active while living and working
5T5PA/P - Mauritania

5T5PA/P - Mauritania

2020-08-21 17:24:17
Johannes, 5T5PA is currently active as 5T5PA/P from Mauritania. He is working on HF Bands. QSL via PA5X, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW. Ads for direct QSL: Johannes Hafkenscheid, Riouwstraat 89A, Amsterdam, 1094, XK, Netherlands. 5T5PA Azouiga, Mauritania Azouiga, Mauritania. Author - Pascal Dellouve.
PA5X/MM - Dutch Power

PA5X/MM - Dutch Power

2020-04-04 21:21:07
Hello, I have the following news, due to COVID-19 I am going to temporarily leave 5T Mauritania and sail back to the Netherlands between 06 April 2020 and 18 April 2020. I will be using the call PA5X/MM. I have created a special QRZ page with all the information: QTH: Maritime Mobile (between 5T