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9L5MS Announcement

9L5MS Announcement

2016-06-11 07:06:26
By the end of March 2011 Arie PA3A, Bas PD0CAV, Ad PA8AD and Arie PA3AN will leave for Africa to meet up with Dickson EL2DT to kick off a DXpedition to Sierra Leone.
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PT0S St.Peter and St.Paul Rocks Announcement

PT0S St.Peter and St.Paul Rocks Announcement

2019-08-22 20:57:47
The Araucaria DX Group, in conjunction with the TX3A Team, is pleased to announce a DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks, PY0S, under the call sign PT0S.
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2012-07-10 15:45:40
First of all, Tnx very much to each of you who have responded thus far via the P5 Interest webform. I am extremely encouraged by the level of generosity already expressed for the Humanitarian part of this Project in such a short time.
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Bouvet Island ON4WW

Bouvet Island ON4WW

2016-04-24 20:08:47
On 26 October 2014 an announcement was made through various channels that I had obtained permission to land and reside on Bouvet Island (3Y/B) for the mid-January 2016 until mid-April 2016 time frame.
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3Y ON4WW Bouvet Island Press Release 3

3Y ON4WW Bouvet Island Press Release 3

2016-04-24 20:09:35
Are you as excited as I am, being able to work K1N Navassa, the #2 Most Wanted Entity? What a thrill, and what a fine job the operators are doing under such difficult conditions!
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ON4WW Bouvet Island Announcement 9 May 2015

ON4WW Bouvet Island Announcement 9 May 2015

2016-04-24 20:09:57
Before sending out a press release, I wanted to share the following with those fellow hams who generously pledged to financially support the Bouvet Island "one-man three-month concept".
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Announcement of Dxpedition to Myanmar

Announcement of Dxpedition to Myanmar

2015-10-02 18:49:11
Derek G3KHZ, Hans SM6CVX, Nils SM6CAS, Ulrika SM7WYN and Eddy K5WQG will activate 3 NEW IOTA groups in Myanmar,namely AS-182 , AS-183 and AS-184.
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3Y0Z Bouvet Island

3Y0Z Bouvet Island

2018-02-17 18:32:27
3Y0Z. International Team will be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN - 002, in 2018 as 3Y0Z.
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3Y0G Bouvet Island

3Y0G Bouvet Island

2017-01-24 10:23:33
International Team of Radio Amateurs planning to be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN - 002 in February 2017 as 3Y0G.
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Bouvet Island

Bouvet Island

2017-01-12 20:30:32
Dom, 3Z9DX inform that he is looking for 3 operators willing to join DX Pedition to Bouvet Island.
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3Y0I Bouvet Island

3Y0I Bouvet Island

2024-01-02 12:18:14
3Y0I Bouvet project on track. Zoom meeting with team members finished.
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3Y0Z Bouvet Island Press Release 5

3Y0Z Bouvet Island Press Release 5

2017-05-13 14:03:16
The Bouvet Island DXpedition team (3YØZ), is pleased to make an important announcement about our transportation plans to Bouvet Island.
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Amateur Radio Hall of Fame Announcement 2017

Amateur Radio Hall of Fame Announcement 2017

2017-05-19 18:08:27
This year CQ is releasing three separate announcements for its Halls of Fame, with release time embargoes. The CQ DX Hall of Fame and CQ Contest Hall of Fame announcements will be released early Saturday and Sunday UTC.
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KH1 Baker Island Announcement

KH1 Baker Island Announcement

2017-12-15 11:18:58
The Dateline DX Association (most recently the K4M team) is very pleased to announce that it has been selected by the Pacific Islands Refuges & Monuments Office of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to pursue an Amateur Radio expedition to Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge (KH1)
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T31T Kanton Island Announcement

T31T Kanton Island Announcement

2023-03-26 16:04:24
Following our DXpedition to Kanton Island (Central Kiribati) in 2016, we decided to come back to this extraordinary place this year - with a new plan and resources.
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3Y0Z Bouvet Presentation

3Y0Z Bouvet Presentation

2018-06-22 22:54:28
Narrated Power Point presentation recently presented at the DX Forum at Dayton Hamvention and W5DXCC/HamCom.
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3Y0J Bouvet Island

3Y0J Bouvet Island

2023-08-05 12:19:26
3Y0J log uploaded to LOTW today. OQRS buro cards function will be activated soon.
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