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RDA Award Program

RDA Award Program

2021-08-17 17:08:48
The RDA Russian Districts award program and the corresponding RDA Contest have been attracting radio amateurs in Russia and in other countries of the world for over 20 years.
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Jarda, OK4MM - The Pragmatic DX-man

Jarda, OK4MM - The Pragmatic DX-man

2018-09-15 22:15:17
The call sign OK4MM appears from time to time on this DX News portal, as well as on some other DX related web pages, mostly announcing activities from islands of the IOTA programme.
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2019-05-24 21:06:44
I shall not make a secret – it was a dream of many of us to become activators of this last new one RDA and make a serious expedition to be memorized for long time by us and possibly by many other hams.
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FT5ZM Amsterdam Island News

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island News

2014-02-04 17:45:09
All of the FT5ZM team are safe and well. The Braveheart crew and food have been exceptional on this trip. We had three rough days at sea; otherwise sea conditions were quite benign. Our landing on Amsterdam went well.
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FT5ZM Amsterdam Island

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island

2017-01-15 15:17:48
N2OO, UA3AB, EY8MM, FM5CD, HK1R, K0IR, K4UEE, K9CT, LA6VM, K4ZLE, N6HC, VA7DX, VE7CT, WB9Z will be active from Amsterdam Island 24 January - 12 February 2014 as FT5ZM.
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JY9FC Jordan

JY9FC Jordan

2017-12-10 16:27:37
E78A is currently active from Jordan as JY9FC.
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JY8MX Jordan

JY8MX Jordan

2018-01-20 22:10:50
HZ1MX is currently active from Jordan as JY8MX.
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JY8KS Jordan

JY8KS Jordan

2018-01-28 10:16:57
OD5SK is currently active from Jordan as JY8KS.
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FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release

2016-07-03 01:07:07
The following Press Release is from K0IR, Ralph Fedor, team leader of the upcoming January 2014 Amsterdam Island (FT5ZM) DXpedition
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Amsterdam Island FT8ZM

Amsterdam Island FT8ZM

2017-05-14 14:37:10
K0IR, 9V1YC, EY8MM, FM5CD, HK1R, K4UEE, K9CT, LA6VM, N4GRN, N6HC, VE3EJ, VE7CT, W6IZT, WB9Z will be active from Amsterdam Island FT-Z 18 days between 15 January - 20 February 2014 as FT8ZM.
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JY9ET Jordan

JY9ET Jordan

2018-02-11 09:10:46
IK0BOU is currently active from Jordan as JY9ET.
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JY8SA Jordan

JY8SA Jordan

2018-01-21 19:23:38
A71AM is currently active from Jordan as JY8SA.
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JY8VB Jordan

JY8VB Jordan

2018-01-21 19:36:24
UA4WHX is currently active from Jordan as JY8VB.
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JY6ZZ Jordan

JY6ZZ Jordan

2016-05-01 18:10:36
KG9N will be active from Jordan 7 - 15 July 2010 as JY6ZZ.
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VP2V/W3HQ Gorda Island

VP2V/W3HQ Gorda Island

2017-02-25 19:16:39
W3HQ will be active from Gorda Island (IOTA NA-023), BVI 4 - 16 December 2009 as VP2V/W3HQ.
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