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Mellish Reef 2014

Mellish Reef 2014

2013-07-12 08:56:04
After their successful operation from Campbell Island in Dec, 2012, six members of the ZL9HR team and additional operators are today announcing their intention to activate Mellish Reef in early 2014.
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VK9MT Mellish Reef

VK9MT Mellish Reef

2016-06-16 13:04:51
DJ9RR, HA5AO, HA5UK, IV3YER, K3EL, K5GS, KE4KY, VK3HJ, W2LK will be active from Mellish Reef (Heralds Beacon Islet ) 28 March - 9 April 2014 as VK9MT.
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Mellish Reef VK9MT QSL

Mellish Reef VK9MT QSL

2016-06-16 13:07:47
Our QSL manager Tim Beaumont M0URX, and his team, have completed the design of the VK9MT Mellish Reef QSL card.
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VK9MA Mellish Reef

VK9MA Mellish Reef

2017-10-26 20:38:14
Amateur Radio Team consist of 9 operators will be active from Mellish Reef, IOTA OC - 072, 3 - 16 November 2017 as VK9MA.
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VK9IR Mellish Reef

VK9IR Mellish Reef

2021-01-27 15:31:44
VK9IR Team will be active from Mellish Reef, OC-072, in October 2021.
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