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A35T Tongatapu Island

W5MJ, VA7DX, ZS6RJ, VE7KW, K5DU, K5NA, W5PF, W5RF will be active from Tongatapu Island (IOTA OC-049) 18 - 24 February 2016 as A35T.
They will operate on 160 - 6m CW, SSB, RTTY.
Ads for direct QSL:
Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 1SF, England.

A35T News 28 February 2016

Final Log uploaded LOTW, Club Log. OQRS open.

A35T News 18 February 2016

Winds are gusting to 40 knots. We did get verticals up for 40 and 30 yesterday, and will attempt to get the verticals up for 80 and 160 verticals tonight but no promises because of the extreme winds. I worked 40 m for about three hours starting at midnight Eastern, called CQ NA with very little response, perhaps because it was the middle of the night in North America.

A35T News 11 February 2016

The A35T DXpedition is now packed up and ready to go. We will have three stations running Elecraft K3 transceivers with a KX3 as a backup radio, two Elecraft KPA500 amps, an Expert Amp 1.3, three KIO hex beams 20 through 6, and four Spiderpoles for the lower frequencies.

We anticipate having our stations on 160 - 30 MHz during night hours, and the hex beams for 20 - 6 meters during daylight hours. We hope to be able to provide Qs on 160 to EU to fill the great need for that band. Our operation is scheduled for 18 - 28 February, not the 24th as previously reported. Even though K5NA and K5DU will be tending to a family emergency and not able to make the trip, we hope to have guest op Hiro A31MM, who recently moved to Tonga, joining us during our stay.

Tongatapu Island A35T Blowing holes.

Tongatapu Island. Blowing holes. Author - Alessandro.

Tongatapu Island A35T DX News Flying foxes.Tongatapu Island. Flying foxes. Author - Shelley and David Hamel.

Tongatapu Island A35T Touritst attractions spot Sunset at Keleti Resort.Tongatapu Island.Sunset at Keleti Resort. Author - Edgar Vonk.

Where Tongatapu Island is located. Map.

A35T Tongatapu Island. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 17:01 GMT sunset at 05:48 GMT
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