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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Announcements Page 11

6O0CW Somalia

6O0CW Somalia

2016-09-07 06:58:49
Members of Italian DX Pedition Team will be active from Somalia 7 - 18 May 2012 as 6O0CW.
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C91JD C91DJ C91DN Mozambique

C91JD C91DJ C91DN Mozambique

2019-09-16 21:19:02
Daniel ZS6JR and my self ZS6DJD will be operating from Mozambique for Seven to ten days starting on the 3th or 4th of may 2012 depending how quick we get the equipment up.
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D64K Comoro Islands

D64K Comoro Islands

2016-07-01 14:39:38
We gladly announce that in August 2012 the team consisting of Fabrizio IW3SQY, Paolo IV3DSH, Antonello IT9YVO, Franco IZ8GCE, Giorgio IZ4AKS, Les SP3DOI and Salvador C31CT/EA3QS will be active from Comoro Islands (IOTA AF-007), with the call D64K.
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IJ7A IOTA 2012

IJ7A IOTA 2012

2016-06-24 19:04:23
The IJ7A IOTA DXpedition (EU-073) will take place between 27/30 July 2012.
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CW4R Isla Gorriti

CW4R Isla Gorriti

2016-12-27 18:56:13
Radio Amateurs members of the RADIO CLUB URUGUAYO will be active as CW4R - Special Event Call - activating for the first time Isla Gorriti ( IOTA SA-039 --- 34° 57’ 36" S – 54° 58’ 13" W --- GF25ma ) from 23 - 25th March 2012.
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Mali TZ5T News

Mali TZ5T News

2017-10-28 18:06:07
We regret having to give bad news about the planned dxpedition in Mali TZ5T.
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Callsign Prefix Republic South Sudan

Callsign Prefix Republic South Sudan

2017-05-18 14:11:12
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) announced the official callsign allocation prefix for the fledgling nation of the Republic of South Sudan, which joined the United Nations (UN) on July 14 at 1400Z.
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TP8CE Council of Europe

TP8CE Council of Europe

2016-07-02 12:54:56
The Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club will be active March 9th to 11th for the 40th Anniversary of the European Youth Center.
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LOTW CQ Awards

LOTW CQ Awards

2015-12-27 12:45:05
The ARRL and CQ Communications, Inc have signed an agreement to begin providing support for CQ-sponsored operating awards by the ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) electronic confirmation system.
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T6JM Afghanistan

T6JM Afghanistan

2017-02-26 22:54:03
Just to inform that I have got permission to work as radioamateur in Afghanistan with the call sing T6JM from 14 January 2012 to 13 June 2012.
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Macquarie Island VK0TH QRT

Macquarie Island VK0TH QRT

2015-12-27 12:46:47
VK0TH QRT - Operator behavior has become a problem JA stations and EU stations that constantly call over other stations, don't hear or jam have turned a fun hobby into a stressful environment.
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TN2T Congo

TN2T Congo

2019-08-19 16:31:38
DX Expedition will be active from Pointe Noire, Congo late January early February 2012 as TN2T.
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Comoros Islands D68K

Comoros Islands D68K

2017-01-28 21:38:24
An international team leaded by Fabri IW3SQY will activate Comoros Islands D6 in the next months of 2012.
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TX5Q Clipperton Island

TX5Q Clipperton Island

2017-01-10 17:48:17
John N7CQQ and I will be doing a modest DXpedition to Clipperton in March 2012.
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Malawi 7Q7HB

Malawi 7Q7HB

2023-04-28 14:24:43
Harry 7Q7HB will be returning to the UK on the 20th of NOVEMBER .
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264 articles found