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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Announcements Page 14

HK0NA Malpelo Island Announce

HK0NA Malpelo Island Announce

2016-06-19 13:27:56
HK1R, HK1T, HK1X with DXARC, DX Columbia Amateur Radio Club planning to be active in 2012 from Malpelo Island as HK0NA.
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XR3A Chile

XR3A Chile

2018-03-29 22:10:03
Since 1992 I've used the special call XR3A. Year after year I have to activate it but this year I have not done yet, so XR3A is only valid until 31 December 2010.
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XE3MAYA Mexico

XE3MAYA Mexico

2020-05-30 00:35:43
(Chiapas, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Yucatan) Base 1. - to contact with the 6 Mayan Stations, with the Special distinguishing characteristic XE3MAYA followed by a letter identifying the transmission place.
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Council of Europe TP50CE

Council of Europe TP50CE

2016-07-02 12:50:35
The Radio Club of the Council of Europe will be active on all bands and mode 11th to 13th and 18th of March 2011 with the call TP50CE for the 50th Anniversary of the European Social Charter.
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9L5MS Announcement

9L5MS Announcement

2016-06-11 07:06:26
By the end of March 2011 Arie PA3A, Bas PD0CAV, Ad PA8AD and Arie PA3AN will leave for Africa to meet up with Dickson EL2DT to kick off a DXpedition to Sierra Leone.
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ZA/I2GPT Albania

ZA/I2GPT Albania

2017-01-27 17:15:46
I2GPT, IK2PGM, IW2HKW, IW2JOP, IZ2BKP, IZ2QCP will be active from Albania with the call ZA/I2GPT from March, 9th to 13th on 17, 20, 30 and 40 meters for cw and ssb operations.
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Guam Island JS6RRR/KH2 2011

Guam Island JS6RRR/KH2 2011

2016-08-14 10:48:28
Hello friend, As I announced TAKE JS6RRR modified his plan himself to Guam OC-026 trip due to circumstances of another operator W3STX.
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2016-07-03 02:31:33
17.1.2011 ALL QSls for T88DL were printed and labelled for the bureau system.
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DX0DX Spratly Islands

DX0DX Spratly Islands

2017-05-14 13:21:29
To the DX Community at large – It’s with regret that as Team Leader, I have to announce the postponement of the DXØDX Spratly Islands DXpedition 2011, due to circumstances beyond the control of the DXØDX Team.
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Tarawa Island Kiribati

Tarawa Island Kiribati

2019-09-19 21:16:28
This is to announce that Bill N7OU and Bob W7YAQ will be teaming up for another DXpedition to the Pacific, this time to Tarawa, T30.
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Asian Winter Games Kazakhstan

Asian Winter Games Kazakhstan

2016-07-02 13:00:07
Members of the Almaty Amateur Radio League (ARL) is organizing the activation of special event stations that include UN2011G and 8 stations with UP2011 prefix (see list below) during the 7th Asian Winter Games between January 30th and February 6th. The suffix of UP2011 stations will imply the abbreviation of the 8 winter types of sports to be featured during the Games in Almaty and Astana.
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Council of Europe TP60CE TP2CE

Council of Europe TP60CE TP2CE

2017-05-22 22:31:30
The Council of Europe Radioamateur Club (TP2CE) will be active December 3rd to 5th and December 8th 2010 in all HF mode including satellite, for the last time with the call TP60CE
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VP8ORK Press Release 3

VP8ORK Press Release 3

2016-07-03 02:42:49
Many have been asking about our low-band plans for the upcoming VP8ORK South Orkney DXpedition in January 2011. With antennas to cover 75, 80 and 160m simultaneously from sunset to sunrise, dedicated receive systems and top-of-the-line radios, we will be active on all these bands, every night, for almost two solid weeks.
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3V8SA Tunisia

3V8SA Tunisia

2016-06-27 13:29:02
The ceremony opening of the new radio club 3V8SA (Scout of Ariana) of Tunisian Scout will be on 24 October 2010, and the station will be QRV at 11:30 GMT on 14.290 Mhz.
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264 articles found