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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Announcements Page 9

P5 Project Press Release 29.06.2013

P5 Project Press Release 29.06.2013

2017-05-19 16:44:28
P5 Project Team members Paul Ewing-N6PSE and David Flack-AH6HY have just returned from their extensive travels throughout the DPRK.
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Tromelin Island 2014 News June 2013

Tromelin Island 2014 News June 2013

2015-12-27 12:58:24
After many successful dxpetitions in the past, F6KOP'team and F6KDF (Lyon DX Gang) are joining together in an effort to put Tromelin back on the air in 2014.
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PJ6A Saba Island 2013

PJ6A Saba Island 2013

2017-02-11 10:50:59
PJ6A Team will be active from Saba Island on 160m 28 May 2013 starting 02GMT on frequency 1824Khz.
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PJ7/AF6KJ PJ7/AF6WU Sint Maarten Island

PJ7/AF6KJ PJ7/AF6WU Sint Maarten Island

2017-02-15 12:21:50
DXpedition Announcement Sint Maarten DXpedition (July 5-9 2013): Kjerstin (PJ7/AF6KJ) and I (PJ7/AF6WU) will be in Dutch Sint Maarten, NA-105, this July.
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North Korea P5 Project

North Korea P5 Project

2017-05-19 16:41:39
Intrepid-DX Group members, Paul Ewing-N6PSE and David Flack-AH6HY have received visas to visit the Democratic People™s Republic of Korea (North Korea) in June, 2013.
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N8A American Samoa

N8A American Samoa

2019-09-17 15:17:15
We, JH3PRR, W6SZN, ZL1GO and ZL3CW, are undertaking a DXpedition to American Samoa (KH8) under the Special Events Station Callsign N8A especially for the CQWW CW contest but with extended precontest activity intended to make KH8 widely available.
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FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release

2016-07-03 01:07:07
The following Press Release is from K0IR, Ralph Fedor, team leader of the upcoming January 2014 Amsterdam Island (FT5ZM) DXpedition
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TS8TI Djerba Island Tunisia 2013

TS8TI Djerba Island Tunisia 2013

2019-09-28 17:24:23
An International group, along with the DXP will be in collaboration with the Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens ARAT and the Engineering University of Gabes, are planning a second IOTA DXpedition to Djerba Island ww. loc. JM53KT (AF-083, WFF 3VFF-007, WLOTA L-1394 and ARLHS TUN-022), between April 29th and May 6th, 2013.
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N4D Puerto Rico

N4D Puerto Rico

2016-07-03 01:25:15
During January 26 and 27, 2013 we have ARRL Puerto Rico State Convention and use N4D to commemorate, January 11- 25, 2013.
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XT1T Burkina Faso

XT1T Burkina Faso

2017-01-07 22:44:23
I1HJT, I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, IK2RZP, JA3USA will be active from Burkina Faso in February - March 2013 as XT1T.
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264 articles found