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C21MM Nauru

C21MM Team will be active from Nauru Island, IOTA OC - 031, 11 - 27 October 2024.
Team - DG2RON Ronny, DJ5IW Gerd, DJ7TO Olaf, DJ9KH Werner, DK3CG Rudolf, DK5WL Joe, DL1KWK Frank,DL2RNS Norbert, DL4SVA Georg, DL6KAC Christian, DL6KVA Axel, DL7JOM Olaf, DL7VEE Rolf, DL8LAS Andree.
Recent DX Spots C21MM
C21MM Log search They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital modes.
Planned operating freqs:

160m 1.822,5 - - 1.839
80m 3.533 3.805 - 3.570
60m 5.354 - - 5.356
40m 7.002 7.092 / 7.192 7.047 7.056
30m 10.102 - 10.147 10.133
20m 14.033 14.210 14.095 14.095
17m 18.085 18.150 18.106 18.097
15m 21.033 21.275 21.095 21.095
12m 24.905 24.975 24.925 24.925
10m 28.033 28.465 28.110 28.095
6m 50.105 50.125 - 50.313

Ads for direct QSL:
Georg Tretow, DL4SVA, Rehnaer Str. 8, D-23936, Grevesmuehlen, GERMANY.

About Nauru

The Republic of Nauru is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean near the equator. It is one of the most isolated places in the world - the nearest population centre is Banaba Island, over 300km away. Nauru is currently considered the smallest republic in the world in terms of both size and population. It has an area of just 21.3 square kilometres and a population of around 9,400. Its closest neighbours are the Solomon Islands to the south, the Marshall Islands to the north, the Republic of Kiribati to the east and the Federated States of Micronesia to the west.

Tourism on the island is limited due to poor air and sea links and pollution from phosphate mining. Nauru has two hotels. Nauru Airlines is the national carrier and the only airline operating on the island. Its planes fly between Brisbane (a city in Australia), Honiari (the capital of the Solomon Islands), Nadi (a city in Fiji) and Tarawa (an atoll in the Republic of Kiribati).

C21MM Nauru DX Pedition LogoC21MM. Nauru DX Pedition. Logo.

Etymology of the name of the island

The origin of the word ‘Nauru’ is not known. The natives called their island Naoero. The German Paul Hambruch, who lived here in May 1909 and from September to November 1910, thought the word Naoero was a combination of the words ‘a-nuau-aa-ororo’, which means ‘I go to the seashore’. After spending 30 years on Nauru and studying it thoroughly, German Alois Kaiser came to the conclusion that his countryman's explanation was wrong.

Throughout history, the island has had many names: until almost the end of the 19th century, the British colonisers called it Pleasant Island, meaning ‘Pleasant’ island, while the German colonial rulers stuck more to the name ‘Nawodo’ or ‘Onawero’.

History of Nauru

Over 3000 years ago, the first settlers of the island were Micronesians and Polynesians. Traditionally there were 12 clans or tribes, symbolised today by the twelve-pointed star on the national flag. These tribes are the Deiboe, Iamvidamit, Iamvidara, Iamvit, Iamgum, Eano, Emeo, Eoraru, Iruzi, Iruva, Iwi and Ranibok.

British captain and whale hunter John Fern was the first European to visit the island in 1798. From the mid-1830s, the Nauruans had been in contact with European whalers and traders who restocked the island. The islanders exchanged food for palm wine and weapons, which were later used in the 10-year war that began in 1878. It reduced the island's population from 1,400 to 900.

In 1888, Nauru was annexed by Germany and attached to the Marshall Islands Protectorate. The arrival of the Germans ended the war and the island began to be ruled by kings, the most famous of whom was William II. Also in 1888, Christian missionaries came to the island of Noiru from Gilbert Island.

In 1900, New Zealand geologist Albert Allison discovered phosphate on the island, and under an agreement with Germany, the Pacific Phosphate Company began exploiting the site in 1906. The first shipment of the mineral was exported in 1907.

In 1914, during the First World War, the island was occupied by Australian troops. After the end of the war, the League of Nations gave the United Kingdom a mandate over the territory. However, in 1923, the United Kingdom agreed to share the land with Australia and New Zealand. In 1919, the governments of these countries signed the Agreement on Nauru, creating the British Phosphate Commission, to which the rights to mine the mineral were transferred.

On 26.08.1942 the island was occupied by Japanese troops, who deported 1200 Nauruans to the Chuuk Islands as cheap labour. On 13.09.1945 with the arrival of the Australian warship HMAS Diamond, the Japanese troops surrendered and the island was granted freedom. In early 1946 the deported population of Nauru was returned to their homeland.

In 1947, the UN handed control of the island back to the Commonwealth of Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand. In 1968, under the leadership of President Hammer De Roburt, Nauru gained independence.

In June 1970, the Nauru Phosphate Corporation was established here. The export of this raw material made Nauru an island with some of the highest standards of living in the Pacific, and the second richest country in the world in terms of per capita income.

In 1989, the Government of Nauru sued the State of Australia in the International Court of Justice for environmental damage caused by phosphate extraction. The dispute ended in an out-of-court settlement that provided for the restoration of utilised areas. The decline in phosphate reserves has led to an economic downturn and political instability that has persisted since the mid-1980s. Between 1989 and 2003 alone, the island's Government changed 17 times.

C21MM NauruNauru. Author - Sean Kelleher.

Geography of Nauru

The island is located in the western Pacific Ocean at 0°32‘ south latitude and 166°55’ east longitude. It has an exclusive economic zone of 308,480 km² (together with territorial waters of 570 km²), bordering the belt of the Republic of Kiribati to the east (290 km to Banaba Island) and the Marshall Islands to the north (600 km to Ebon Atoll). In relative neighbourhood are Micronesia (Kosra) to the northwest, the Solomon Islands to the southwest, Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Islands) to the west and Tuvalu to the southeast.

Nauru is a coral island (atoll) located on top of an extinct underwater volcano. The coral here reaches 2000 metres deep into the sea and is a maximum of 60 metres above sea level. The island's highest point, Aivu, is located on the eastern side of the island. Compared to other atolls, Nauru has a very small lagoon. Already one kilometre from the coast, the depth of the sea exceeds 1000 metres. Inside the island there are phosphates formed from the excrement of seabirds. About 2 kilometres² of the island is covered with forests.

C21MM Nauru Tourist attractions spotNauru. Author - RatherBeRooting.

Climate of Nauru

Due to the proximity of the equator (42 kilometres to the north), the temperature throughout the year on the island of Nauru is fairly uniform, averaging 27.5 °C (27.5 °F). The air here can warm up from 26 to 35 °C during the day and from 25 to 28 °C at night. Annual rainfall varies depending on the El Niño phenomenon, but averages around 1,900 mm.

Global warming has a direct impact on Nauru, as a sharp rise in sea level threatens the disappearance of the islands. Because of this problem, the government has repeatedly sought action from the UN, meetings with the USA and other industrialised countries.

Flora and fauna

Nauru has no large animals; with the exception of insects, there is only one species of bird, Acrocephalus rehsei, which is endemic. Cats, dogs and pigs imported from abroad are often seen on the island.

The flora of the island consists of coconut palms, pandanus, figs, hibiscus, etc. However, due to environmental degradation caused by mining, many species of flora have virtually disappeared.

In terms of the marine environment (especially the coral belt surrounding the island), the area used to be rich in molluscs and large arthropods. Today, the island's aquatic life is in danger of extinction, greatly influenced by urbanisation and phosphate exploitation.

C21MM. Where is Nauru located. Map.

C21MM Nauru. Sunrise 02-15-2025 at 19:01 GMT sunset at 07:11 GMT
C21MM Nauru comments forum

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Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: AI9T
  • 2024-10-28 18:44:55
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: C21MM
  • 2024-10-25 08:57:44
C21MM Nauru News 24 October 2024 Our DXpedition is coming to its end. Over 75.000 QSOs are already in the log from 160 m to 6 m. It was a rather wild adventure for all of us and it seems that Murphy was with us all the time. We had to check our antennas and guying lines daily and had to repair them often. Last but not least, we had to move our highband beam to slightly lower position. However, our large team is in a good spirit and we are quite satisfied with the results so far. As always, we learned new things which will be used for further DXPeditions. Remember that 99,9 % of all QSOs from Nauru have a minimum distance of 4,000 km. Europe and most of the US is more than 10,000 km away. We have good TX antennas for the lowbands but the RX situation was quite challenging. High atmospheric noise level as well as some man made noise heavily affected RX performance. Nearly every night, we tried to improve the lowband receiving situation but it was difficult to eliminate the S9+ noise. The highbands performed generally quite well, but we are still waiting for a good 10 m opening to Europe. The last challenge will be the CQ WWDX SSB as M2. Normally we hear rather well on higher bands. Please do not call us if you can’t hear us for sure. Also, please try to avoid dupes. Check the online log before calling again. We update our online log @ Clublog every day. Additionally, we offer a live stream where you can see your QSO immediately. If your QSOs does not appear there or in the online log, please call again. Log corrections will be checked and applied after the DXPedition. Many thanks for all the serious, friendly and constructive comments. However, some of the comments were a little of the mark. We will start to dismantle the antennas and the stations on October 29, after local sunrise.
Rating: 4 of 5
  • Callsign: NZ5K
  • 2024-10-25 02:14:54
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: C21MM
  • 2024-10-19 18:32:34
C21MM Nauru News 19 October 2024 The first team members have been on Nauru for a week, the rest of the crew arrived on October 15. More than 42,000 QSOs are already in the log and we became QRV on the low bands. We're still waiting for a great high band opening in Europe. Our first QTH, an AirBnB guesthouse close to the Anibare harbor and our hotel, works quite well with our two element wire beam for the five high bands. For the lowbands activity we arranged another QTH near the Arubo Catholic Church, right on the north coast with no obstructions to the north. We erected two 22m Spiderbeam fiberglass poles for 160 and 80m verticals with one elevated radial. For 40m and 30m we use (rhombic) loops with 50 Ω impedance and on 60m we use another vertical with one elevated radial. DL8LAS and DL6KAC installed a DHDL receiving antenna. This helps against the very high atmospheric noise (up to S9). Fortunately, we do not have a lot of manmade noise at both QTHs. Regarding the lowbands, we are very satisfied with the antenna performance from 80m to 30m. On 160m we didn’t hear any station until now. 6m activity also takes place from the northern QTH. So far, we have logged nearly 500 QSOs on 6m – mainly with Japan. Expect regular activity on 6m from now on. We all live in the Menen Hotel and the Nauruan people are friendly and helpful. The second QTH made it necessary to establish a transport service from the hotel in line with our shift operations. The ride takes about 15 minutes. We have set up a live stream on Clublog for both QTHs. The Starlink satellite internet works really well and can be found in numerous houses on the island. Unfortunately, we lost our sixth (backup) station. Electricity is very expensive on the island and you have to buy prepaid “power ups”. Fortunately, we only had few smaller power outages. So still no time for sightseeing. Hopefully, we can do that next week.
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: C21MM
  • 2024-10-13 17:38:46
C21MM News The first group of six team members arrived on Nauru very early in the morning on October 10th. Our luggage also arrived without any problems. The pickup from the Menen Hotel went perfectly and we were able to move into our rooms early. However, we were all pretty tired. The temperature shows a hot 30 degrees Celsius and not much lower at night. Since the Menen Hotel doesn't allow amateur radio in its area, we booked an AirBNB tiny house about 1km north. That was fine with electricity, air conditioning and internet. Phill C21TS visited us on the first day. This area does not offer a clear view to the north-northwest for Europe and Japan, but a good view to the northeast for the USA. On the first day we assembled the wire beam and started the expedition with up to three stations. The ground noise was and is low here and we were QRV on CW, SSB and FT8 from 20 to 10 m. Almost all the higher bands were open on the first evening. This allowed us to work a lot of Europeans. Then the conditions were disturbed and it was not possible to work any EU for many hours. We found poor conditions with K = 8 on shortwave. In the first few days we still had and have a lot to organize, so sometimes not all stations were present. We are quite satisfied with 18,000 QSOs in three days. Today we installed a small 6-m-loop and were able to work some JAs and BA4SI. The second group of our team will arrive in Nauru early Tuesday morning with lots more equipment. In the afternoon we plan to start erecting all low band antennas 160 to 30 and 6 m on our newly and additional ordered second QTH in the north of the island. We plan to be QRV on low bands starting Wednesday.
Rating: 5 of 5
Robert Hooper
  • Callsign: ZS6AEV
  • 2024-10-10 18:25:23
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: C21MM
  • 2024-09-12 11:59:43
C21MM Nauru News 12 September 2024 Less than 4 weeks to go. Team members DG2RON, DJ5IW, DJ7TO, DJ9KH, DK3CG, DK5WL, DL1KWK, DL2RNS, DL4SVA, DL6KAC, DL6KVA, DL7JOM, DL7VEE and DL8LAS are ready. We follow our main principles being light weight and cost effective. As always, only transceivers from Elecraft will be used. All equipment including antennas will be transported by the team members using “traditional luggage” partly oversized. However, this does not mean that we compromise on the antennas. For the high bands we are going to use our 2-element full size wire beam from LZ Antennas. That provides us with some dB more gain compared to a vertical. By using the LBS Pentaplexer we can operate 3 high bands together at the same time on this antenna. As always, we follow our strategy to use resonant and full-size single band antennas on all bands (except 160 m). No grounded verticals will be used. Verticals with an elevated radial are even better for reception, also known as Up & Outer. This time we will carry two 22 m (72 feet) Spiderbeam fiberglass poles for 160 m & 80 m (compared to 18 m poles on our last DXpeditions). That is perfect for 80 m and an improvement for the top band as well. We will also bring the brand new 14-m-HD-fiberglass pole from Spiderbeam which gives us 2 m more height compared to the 12-m-HD-pole. This one is perfect for bands from 60 m and up. For low band receiving we plan BOGs. Jan, OK2ZAW (QRO.CZ), supported us with RX band filter boards for splitting one BOG to different receivers on different bands. For 40 & 30 m we try loops this time. We always use small band pass filters for each band between transceiver and amplifier and additional bigger band pass filters to the antennas. We will run our proven shift system with radio and free time slots 24/7, ensuring that our experienced operators will have full concentration in their shift. 5 stations between 160 and 6 m in CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 are planned. Starting with a first group of 6 men from October 10th only on high bands for few days. Second part of the group will arrive October 15.
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: DL4MP
  • 2024-07-29 10:17:50