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E6ET Niue Island

E6ET Niue Island

2019-03-18 07:12:34
Alex 5B4ALX will be active as E6ET from Niue Island, OC - 040, 19 March - 2 April 2019.
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TX0A Maria Est Atoll TX0M Morane Atoll

TX0A Maria Est Atoll TX0M Morane Atoll

2018-12-06 06:53:02
Cezar (VE3LYC) and Adrian (KO8SCA) will operate as TX0A from Maria Est Atoll, OC-113, and as TX0M from Morane Atoll (OC-297P) between 4 - 18 December 2018.
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EP6RRC Shif Island Iran

EP6RRC Shif Island Iran

2018-12-03 16:17:49
EP6RRC will be active from Shif Island, IOTA AS - 189, Iran, 17 - 23 November 2018.
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VP6D Ducie Island

VP6D Ducie Island

2018-10-25 09:08:29
VP6D Ducie Island. Radio Amateurs members of the PDXG DX Group will be active as VP6D from Ducie Island, IOTA OC - 182, 20 October - 3 November 2018.
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YJ0GC Efate Island Vanuatu

YJ0GC Efate Island Vanuatu

2018-10-16 10:41:05
Stan, LZ1GC will be active as YJ0GC, from Efate Island, IOTA OC - 035, Vanuatu, 15 October - 4 November 2018.
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5W0GC Apia Samoa

5W0GC Apia Samoa

2023-05-28 22:53:25
Stan, LZ1GC will be active as 5W0GC, from Apia, Samoa, 28 September - 14 October 2018.
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VK5CE/6 IOTA Expedition

VK5CE/6 IOTA Expedition

2018-06-14 13:23:08
VK5CE/6 Craig, VK5CE inform that he will be active as VK5CE/6 From Woody Island, IOTA OC - 170, East Lewis Island, IOTA OC - 199, Direction Island, IOTA OC - 140, Cheyne Island, IOTA OC - 193, St Peter Island, IOTA OC - 220.
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3B7A Saint Brandon Islands

3B7A Saint Brandon Islands

2018-04-19 18:06:41
Radio Amateurs from France will be active as 3B7A from Saint Brandon Islands, IOTA AF - 015, 5 - 17 April 2018.
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3C0W Annobon Island

3C0W Annobon Island

2018-04-28 18:52:17
3C0W Amateur Radio Team will be active as 3C0W, from Annobon Island, IOTA AF - 039, until 27 March 2018.
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H44R Russell Islands

H44R Russell Islands

2019-09-07 20:32:31
Cezar, VE3LYC and Bernhard, DL2GAC/H44MS will be active as H44R, from Russell Islands, IOTA OC - 168, 22 - 25 April 2018.
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7Q7EI Malawi

7Q7EI Malawi

2018-02-28 18:33:54
Radio Amateurs members of EIDX Group will be active as 7Q7EI from Malawi 21 March - 3 April 2018.
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6O6O Somalia

6O6O Somalia

2018-01-10 05:30:53
Ken, LA7GIA informs, that together with Adrian, KO8SCA, they will be active as 6O6O from Somalia, 3 - 16 January 2018.
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5K1B Mucura Island San Bernardo Islands

5K1B Mucura Island San Bernardo Islands

2017-12-16 21:50:20
Josep, EA3BT and Núria EA3WL – YL will be active from Mucura Island, San Bernardo Islands, IOTA SA - 078, as 5K1B, 21 - 28 November 2017.
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HK4/LU9EFO HK3TU/4 Titumate Island

HK4/LU9EFO HK3TU/4 Titumate Island

2017-10-06 12:19:45
Martin, LU9EFO inform that he and Camilo, HK3TU will be active as HK4/LU9EFO and HK3TU/4 from Titumate Island, IOTA SA - 093 in November 2017.
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66 articles found