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Intrepid Award

Interpid DX Group

Press Release:

The Intrepid-DX Group is seeking nominations for the individual or group that most displayed their “Intrepid Spirit” this past year. The Intrepid Spirit for purposes of this award is defined as:

An Intrepid Spirit is bold, courageous, dedicated, innovative, fearless, generous, resolute and visionary in their approach to Amateur Radio.

We are seeking to make this award to the group or individual that most displayed their intrepid spirit in 2015, by expressing an unshakable commitment to the Amateur Radio DX Community.

This award is made in memory of our friend, James McLaughlin WA2EWE/T6AF. SK, Kabul Afghanistan, April 27th, 2011.

All nominations must be received by December 15th, 2015. The Board of Directors of the Intrepid-DX Group will evaluate the nominations and the award will be presented at the International DX Convention in Visalia, California on April 16th, 2016.

The Intrepid-DX Group was formed in 2010 following our successful Dxpedition to Iraq.

The 2014 Intrepid-Spirit Award was awarded to Dmitry Zhikharev-RA9USU.

Thank you,

Paul Ewing-N6PSE

President, The Intrepid-DX Group

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