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CQ Contest Hall of Fame 2017 K1TTT N6TV

CQ Contest Hall of Fame 2017 K1TTT N6TV

2017-05-21 08:25:03
CQ magazine today announced the induction of two new members to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, which honors those contesters who not only excel in personal performance but who also "give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways.
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CQ Contest Logs UBNs VK4TI

CQ Contest Logs UBNs VK4TI

2016-06-25 18:39:54
I have looked at the comments regarding open logs and UBNs etc etc and seriously feel that the Contestor of the Year wont get up and going -Contesting is changing to much and the honour has gone from the field - I will continue to Multi Op but wont waste time effort and energy on any other - its sad but I suppose all things must change..
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An open letter to the CQ Contest Committee

An open letter to the CQ Contest Committee

2017-05-19 15:43:16
QUESTION: Will the CQ CONTEST COMMITTEE open its closed discussions of the fate of Single Operator categories to the public or will we first learn of them when the rules are changed?
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