Frank de Wilde. PH2M will be active as SV8/PH2M from Santorini Island, Kyklades Islands, IOTA EU - 067, Greece, 13 - 20 October 2023.
He will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via home call buro, direct, LOTW.
DXCC Country - Greece, SV.
Frank, PH2M will be active as PJ2/PH2M from Curacao Island, IOTA SA - 099, 10 - 25 September 2022.
He will operate holiday style on HF Bands.
QSL via home call, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.
Ads for direct QSL:
Frank de Wilde, Zuidegge 4, Hazerswoude-Dorp, 2391DA, Netherlands.
Frank, PH2M will be active with special call PF21FTDMC from Hazerswoude-Dorp, Netherlands, 2 - 15 August 2021, commemorating anniversary of FTDMC Club.
His favorite Bands are VHF Bands.
Ads for direct QSL:
Frank de Wilde, Zuidegge 4, Hazerswoude-Dorp, 2391DA, Netherlands.
PF21FTDMC Hawerswoude Dorp,
Frank, PH2M will be active from Crete Island, IOTA EU - 015, 20 September - 3 October 2019.
He will operate on HF Bands.
Ads for direct QSL:
Frank de Wilde, Zuidegge 4, Hazerswoude-Dorp, 2391DA, Netherlands.
SV9/PH2M Frank de Wilde, Crete Island
Video announcement P4/PH2M Aruba Island, IOTA SA - 036.
More information on:
P4/PH2M Aruba
Frank, PH2M inform
I will be QRV again from Turkish territorial waters as TA4/PH2M(/MM) from our sailing vessel 'GanGan' again the coming week, I hope to
My new PJ7/PH2M, PJ6/PH2M, PJ5/PH2M QSLcards printed by Max ON5UR have been delivered today, from now also Clublog OQRS will be available, see my QRZ-pages. 73