TK0C Team will be active from Corsica Island, IOTA EU - 014, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 29 - 30 November 2025.
They will operate in Multi Single High Power Category.
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Corsica: Europe in miniature
A small island located in the Mediterranean Sea, every year attracts crowds of tourists from all corners of the globe, who unanimously claim that Corsica is Europe in miniature. The island is almost 9 thousand years old, as evidenced by the remains of dwellings, household items, women's jewelry and dishes of the first inhabitants of the area found by archaeologists. Corsica has had dozens of owners. It was ruled by ancient Romans, medieval Byzantines, cold-blooded English, Normans, Spaniards, Genoese and French.
Plage de Petra Muna near Calvi in the Balagne region of Corsica.
The inhabitants of the mainland used the island as a trading platform. It was a tidbit for pirates who repeatedly raided Corsica. Their atrocities and robberies became a “proverbial parable”. The pirates had a saying: “Shake a Corsican and you will find anything”. The islanders were terrified of another battle, unable to protect their homes and families from the furious sea robbers who rampaged through the area until the early 18th century.
The culture of the locals is a symbiosis of the customs and traditions of different nations. Corsicans are characterized by their tenacity, endurance and hard work. They are proud of their rich history and prominent figures, the list of which is headed by Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born in the capital Ajaccio. In his honor, a boulevard is named after him and 9 large monuments depicting the commander in various guises have been erected. The highlight of Ajaccio is a small grotto, where, according to legend, little Napoleon liked to hide, suffering from the attacks and backbiting of his taller peers.
The natural waterfalls, rock pools and cascades of Restonica valley near Corte in Corsica.
Excerpts from Corsican chronicles
Italian archaeologist Giovanni Ugasa has spent almost 10 years on archaeological excavations in Corsica. He believes that the ancestors of modern Corsi are the Ligurs, who inhabit the western part of Italy and southeastern France. Their monuments to pagan deities have been found under layers of earth, sand and rock fragments. The mysterious island is shrouded in legends and myths, which the hospitable inhabitants will gladly tell curious tourists. According to one of the legends, Corsica became a refuge for the Trojan hero Ajax, who healed his wounds on the island after the 10-year war that broke out between Troy and ancient Greece.
Pope Gregory the Great mentioned Corsica in his letters, intending to establish his diocese in the area. The first powerful citadel was built by the Genoese in the then capital of Corsica, Bastia, under the leadership of Pascal Paoli. In the middle of the 18th century, the islanders started a rebellion and destroyed the fortress of the Corsican leader. The city of Ajaccio became the capital of the island, and the area itself was bought by France, promising its inhabitants prosperity and patronage.
Although French is the official language, the inhabitants are more accustomed to using the Corso dialect, a mixture of Italian vocabulary, Spanish phraseology and French grammar. The dialect testifies to the deep centuries-long assimilation of peoples living in the Mediterranean.
Corsica. Monument to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Tourist's itinerary on the island
The capital occupies the northern coast in the southwestern part of Corsica. In the east of the city flows the mountain river Gravona, whose banks are strewn with exotic flowers and shrubs. It is a florist's paradise and a place where history meets modernity. Narrow stone-paved streets border asphalted avenues, and snow-white houses designed by Genoese architects, favorably shade the luxury of fashionable hotels, villas and mansions of Corsican officials and Hollywood stars. There is an Anglican church in the city, although local parishioners profess Islam and Catholicism.
Tours arranged by local guides include the Genoese Citadel, the Chapel of St. Erasmus, the Cathedral of the Assumption of St. Mary, the Ajaccio Town Hall with Napoleon's Salon, the Palais Lantivi, the Place General de Gaulle, and the Palais de la Fèche, which houses Napoleon's family crypt. Corsica abounds with museums with military displays and exhibitions of ceramic products of folk artisans for sale. Tourists are eager to purchase souvenirs in the original Corsican style.
The tourist industry is the main source of income to the city treasury. Travelers are attracted by bulky rocks of pale pink or purple color. Their color is due to the abundance of porphyry and interlayers of quartz of volcanic origin. Because of this, many islanders prefer cycling and mountaineering to other leisure activities. From the top of the cliff you can see a stunning panorama of Corsica, immersed in olive groves, tropical forests, golden beaches with miniature bays, verdant hills and clear lakes, almost untouched by civilization.