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TX6D Tahiti French Polynesia

TX6D Team will be active from Mahina, Tahiti Island, IOTA OC - 046, French Polynesia, 2 - 15 October 2023.
Recent DX Spots TX6D
TX6D Log search They will operate on 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, Digital Modes.
DXCC Country - French Polynesia, FO.
QTH Locator - BH52gm.

TX6D Tahiti Island French Polynesia News 3 October 2023

TX6D Team start activity from Mahina, Tahiti Island, French Polynesia.

The Island of Tahiti: Paradise Lost

When mentioning Tahiti, most people have strong associations: turquoise lagoons surrounded by coconut palms, white sandy beaches with hammocks and lounge chairs, garlands of tiaras, cozy bungalows on the ocean. In any season and time of day there is comfortable weather - the temperature ranges from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. Mild climate, like a magnet, attracts celebrities: not for nothing the resort is considered one of the most fashionable and elite places of rest in the world. Once here also rested Vysotsky and Vlady.

Tahiti is the largest of 117 islands and atolls, which are part of the French Polynesia. If you look at the island from space, you can see that it is divided into two parts, connected by an isthmus. Only the northern half of Tahiti Nui (Grande Tahiti) is densely populated, while the southern half is virtually deserted. Because the island is of volcanic origin, it is covered by mountain peaks with dense tropical jungle. There are many picturesque waterfalls, rivers and streams with crystal clear water, bright flower meadows contrasting with the sandy coastline.

TX6D Tahiti Island, French PolynesiaTahiti, French Polynesia. Author - Harold Moses.

From History

The exact date of the settlement of Tahiti is unknown, only that it was later than the Polynesian islands of Tonga and Samoa. The history of the island goes back many centuries. The first settlers came here by canoe. Although scholars have discovered records of Tahiti's rulers, eighteenth-century expeditions found six separate dominions with their own chiefs. Only the ruler of Pomare, in a bloody war, managed to subdue the other tribes and establish a one-man monarchy.

The first Europeans to land on the island were the Spaniards in the early 17th century under the command of the Portuguese navigator de Quiroz. However, the land was not found deposits of gold, so they did not stay here long.

Over time, adventurers came to Tahiti. Tahitian women worshipped sailors from the ships that landed as "gods" and became intimate with them. The expeditions of Samuel Wallis and James Cook in the mid-18th century also brought viral and venereal diseases that killed the natives. Almost twice as many people lived there then.

Then a British-flagged ship named the Bounty, commanded by Captain William Bligh, arrived on the island. The purpose of the expedition was to plant seedlings of a unique bread tree growing in these places. The British planned to feed it on the fruit of dark-skinned slaves in overseas sugar plantations, as it was cheap and hearty.

At the time, King Pomare I was in conflict with the chiefs of the neighboring tribes. He tried to retain power by welcoming foreigners. The Tahitians sought to take possession of the sailors' muskets and even called for participation in the struggle for the unification of the island. Part of the crew of the Bounty mutinied and seized the ship. Pomare I got weapons and a warship, thanks to which he defeated the other chiefs.

In the late 18th century English missionaries reached Tahiti and sought to instill the Christian faith in the natives. King Pomare II was baptized and created a unified state where Christianity became the official religion. All pagan gods, sacrifices, sanctuaries, infanticide and orgies fell under the ban. A Russian Antarctic expedition arrived 20 years later and observed a decline. The British were replaced by French Catholic missionaries, who established their protectorate in the territory and gradually turned the island into a colony.

TX6D Tahiti Island, French Polynesia DX NewsTahiti, French Polynesia. Author - Francois Leroy.

Life on the Island

The Tahitians have managed to preserve their distinctive culture--they keep the traditions of their Maohi ancestors. The ancient Polynesians believed that the islands and atolls were fish. According to legend, the demigod Maui pulled them out of the ocean to give them land to live on. And Tahiti is a big fish, so big that the island of Moorea is just its tail.

Local girls and women all, without exception, wear flowers in their hair: the right side means free, and the left side means married. Men, on the other hand, wear a bud behind the ear. The tiara is considered a sacred flower, loved by the gods. Tahitian gardenia put tourists at the airport, as it is customary to meet all guests. In early December, Tahiti has a traditional festival dedicated to the Tiara.

Many residents are engaged in arts and crafts: carving in wood or bone, making jewelry, painting sareos. From the trip you can bring not only unusual souvenirs and handicrafts from the shells, but also black pearls. Tourists are taken on a pearl plantation, explaining in detail why even a small round pea is worth $ 200. Local lagoons are home to unique oysters, which give the white pearls a dark color.

Exotic cuisine

Local cuisine was formed under the influence of the French, Italian and Chinese. There is a special attitude to food here, so without exception, all dishes are prepared from fresh products and natural ingredients with the observance of island traditions and the famous French charm. According to ancient recipes, dishes are cooked in earthen ovens ahimaa. The food is wrapped in banana leaves, placed on heated stones and baked for several hours.

Tahitians have the custom of dining right on the main square in Papeete by ordering quick meals from mobile kitchens. It can be the usual pizza, pancakes or burgers with fries, grilled chicken or fish, traditional rolls or sashimi. Food trucks occupy the entire area, with tables for tourists nearby. The opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner in the open air is cheaper than eating in a restaurant or hotel.

TX6D Tahiti Island, French Polynesia Tourist attractions spotTahiti, French Polynesia. Author - Javier Gallego.

What's on the table of Tahitians

Fish of all kinds is the mainstay of the islanders' diet. The mottled parrotfish, barracuda, mahi-mahi, swordfish, and even poisonous fugu are all prepared by chefs in Tahitian restaurants. But for all its abundance, tuna is favored: it is grilled, lightly fried in a dry pan with spices and sesame seeds, and eaten raw in its natural state. The signature recipe of French Polynesia is Tahitian-style fish without heat treatment poisson, marinated in coconut milk with vegetables. Sliced tuna fillets just melt in your mouth! We also have seafood such as octopus, clams, pearl oysters, shrimps and crustaceans. The dry coconut crabs, which live right on the palm trees, are considered a delicacy.

The central market in Papeete sells juicy and ripe tropical fruits: honey-flavored papaya, pineapples, guavas, mangoes, grapefruit, bananas of different varieties. If you want even more exotic, you can buy corossol, star and sugar apples, as well as durian. Of the vegetables, the most common are breadfruit, fairy bananas and taro root vegetables, similar to potatoes. And after the market closes, vendors hand out unsold products to all comers.

Of drinks, the people of Tahiti consume a light and pleasant beer made from the fruit of the breadfruit tree. And in restaurants, tourists can try the golden wine from pineapples, vanilla rum, tropical cocktails based on exotic fruits. Grows in Tahiti is a plant for longevity and energy - noni. Locals believe that it was it that gave rise to the legend of rejuvenating apples. Noni fruits are a treasure trove of valuable trace elements and vitamins, beneficial effects on important systems of the body. Many people drink its juice to improve their health.

A Time of Undisturbed Rest

In Tahiti, no one is in a hurry and time seems to stand still. A gentle breeze gives a pleasant coolness at a sweltering afternoon and you want to relax on the beach. But there are also opportunities for outdoor activities: trekking in the mountains, swimming with reef sharks, feeding stingrays. A snorkeling and diving on the islands of French Polynesia will give a lot of unforgettable experience!

The Polynesians sang of Tahiti, the paradise land of the double rainbow in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. But Europeans were also inspired by the amazing island with its unique culture. So, Paul Gauguin wrote a series of paintings with Tahitian motifs in this place. In Papeete, there is a museum, which presents sketches and studies made by the hand of the artist. At the exhibition, you can see Gauguin's personal belongings and get acquainted with historical documents. Also worth checking out is the Robert Wang Museum of Pearls.

Particular attention should be paid to the festival Hieva. This is one of the most important events in Tahiti for over a century. All islanders gather in the capital, Papeete, for a dance competition.

TX6D. Where is Tahiti Island located. Map.

TX6D Tahiti French Polynesia. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 15:21 GMT sunset at 04:01 GMT
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