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V63AH Pohnpei Island Micronesia

Ulli, DL2AH will be active as V63AH from Pohnpei Island, IOTA OC - 010, Micronesia, 18 - 30 October 2023.
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Pohnpei is a mysterious island where cities are built by Gods

Travelers who plan to visit all the unique or outstanding corners of our planet should definitely include the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia in the list, if only for the fact that this place is a record holder in terms of annual rainfall and is considered the wettest on earth. However, that's not the only reason to pack for a long road trip to the Caroline Islands, located in the western Pacific Ocean. There is much to see, do and wonder here.

If you look at the Micronesian islands drowning in tropical greenery from an airplane window, they can be compared to a scattering of emeralds of piercing purity. The reefs girdling the land only add to the impression, creating a glowing or halo effect. The gentle sun and plenty of water do their job - the flora thrives, the vegetation is fragrant and clumpy. Some species of palm trees in the coastal reef area stretch straight out of the water, creating picturesque, fairy-like landscapes.

Pohnpei or Ponape (such an old name is more convenient for locals to pronounce) is an island of volcanic origin and at the same time a state of the Federated States of Micronesia. The territory of the island is small, a little more than 340 km, tourists say that if you want, the area can be bypassed in a couple or three days on foot or even faster by car on the county asphalt road. However, when coming here, visitors prefer to stay for a long time. The unsurpassed beauty of the creeks with stunning lagoons and waterfalls in the mangroves is mesmerizing, you do not want to leave, leave or fly away.

V63AH Lenger Island, Pohnpei, Micronesia.Lenger Island, Pohnpei, Micronesia. Author - Frank Kehl.

One island - two capitals

Despite the modest size of Ponape, there are two capital cities: Palikir, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia, and Colonia, the main administrative center of the island and the state of Pompai. On the island, where you can sometimes find people wearing loincloths or palm leaf skirts, different eras and cultures coexist surprisingly and seamlessly.

On the outskirts of the capital Palikir there are a number of houses without walls, covered with palm leaves, in which people live. You have to give credit to Chinese architects, who had enough respect for the mentality of the Micronesian islands - instead of possible high-rise buildings, they once built small residential two-story cottages in ethnic style.

Here, next to the capital Colonia, on a separate small island is the International Airport and fashionable well-appointed hotels and restaurants. If we take into account that all these infrastructures of civilization are located next door to the mangrove forests, where a lot of exotic birds, reptiles and mammals live, then such contrasts are especially impressive and delight tourists.

V63AH Pohnpei Island, Micronesia DX NewsPohnpei Island, Micronesia. Author - Luigi Guarino.

Nan Madol is a mysterious city built by the Gods

The main attraction of Pohnpei Island is the so-called Venice of the Pacific, a prehistoric city built on 92 islets. The overgrown ruins of the mysterious prehistoric city, where locals try not to go unnecessarily to disturb the peace of their ancestors, is a must-see place in the sightseeing program.

As it happens, if there is no exact explanation for any phenomenon, there is an intriguing legend. The aborigines of Ponape Island have such a legend, and they claim that Nan-Madol was built by the Gods in the likeness of the beautiful underwater city of Hanimweiso. Now the city, permeated with canals of streets, is a ruin and remains of buildings, set on a unique in its kind foundation - a natural coral reef, on which huge basalt monoliths are based. Where did they come from, who and how was able to move blocks weighing from 5 to 50 tons? Gods, aliens or ancient civilizations - an unsolved mystery.

V63AH Pohnpei Island Micronesia Tourist attractions spotPohnpei Island, Micronesia. Author - Scot Nelson.

Fly to Pohnpei to bring back the zest for life!

When people imagine paradise on earth, the imagination paints pictures of unspoiled nature. These associations coincide with the setting of an island lost in Oceania. The nature of Ponape is almost pristine, there are few tourists in this remote corner, and the local population is very friendly and welcoming to them. Mainly couples in love, metropolitan dwellers saturated with progress, as well as athletes and lovers of water activities, who crave solitude, come here.

The shore cut by numerous canals and bays is a dream for surfers and scuba diving enthusiasts. Each dive holds a real surprise and a lot of pleasure from the contemplation of colorful tropical fish, black and fire corals, mantas, sea turtles, moray eels and spinaroos. Reef sharks and white-tip sharks can be seen around the island.

After a beach vacation, hiking and water activities, guests enjoy tasting the masterpieces of national cuisine, characterized by an abundance of seafood, fruits of tropical plants and cereals, all dishes are generously seasoned with sauces. Perhaps to quench thirst or for preventive purposes, locals drink a lot of fresh lemon juice. Closer to noon, tourists have a chance to try an exotic narcotic drink - sakua, which is allowed to be sold only after 16.00.

V63AH. Where is Pohnpei Island located. Map.

V63AH Pohnpei Island Micronesia. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 19:12 GMT sunset at 07:10 GMT
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  • Callsign: UN8FR
  • 2023-10-19 17:39:47