Eddy, ON6EF inform dxnews.com that ON6EF, ON4AFW, ON6VJ will be active from Guernsey Island, IOTA EU - 114, 23 - 27 May 2017 as MU/ON6EF, MU/ON4AFW, MU/ON6VJ.
CQ magazine today announced the induction of two new members to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, which honors those contesters who not only excel in personal performance but who also "give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways.
Vlad, UA0FAM inform dxnews.com that he will be active from Kunashir Island, Kuril Islands, IOTA AS - 025, one week starting 29 May 2017 as RI0FI or UA0FAM/P.
CQ magazine today announced the induction of two new members to the CQ DX Hall of Fame, which honors those DXers who not only excel in personal performance but who also "give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways.
This year CQ is releasing three separate announcements for its Halls of Fame, with release time embargoes. The CQ DX Hall of Fame and CQ Contest Hall of Fame announcements will be released early Saturday and Sunday UTC.