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3D2LYC Yanuca Island Fiji

Cezar, VE3LYC will be active as 3D2LYC from Yanuca Island, IOTA OC - 189, Fiji, 1 - 5 May 2023.
He will operate on HF Bands.
Recent DX Spots 3D2LYC
3D2LYC Log search QSL via ClubLog OQRS.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands News 15 May 2023 Photogallery

Cezar, VE3LYC send some images of his 3D2LYC operation from Yanuca Island, Ringgold Islands, Fiji.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 1

3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 2

3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 3

3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 4

3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 5

3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 6

3D2LYC 3D2LYC Yanuca Island News 15 May 2023 Image 7

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 13 May 2023

Cezar, VE3LYC/3D2LYC upload Log to ClubLog.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 5 May 2023

Had good propagation to EU last night, and operated on 15 and 17 m, although mostly SSB. Some stations asked me to QSY to CW for a new slot, which I don't think that I will. If the propagation is wide open, like it was the last two night, there is no need to operate CW for EU, when 3D2 ranks #58 on the DXCC list in that continent. Quite a few EU operators who are not IOTA chasers thanked for a new one in SSB, and this motivates me to do as much SSB for EU as possible, conditions permitting.

Tony, 3D2AG, mentioned to me that he has too much electrical noise at his QTH in Suva to operate SSB, which is most certainly why 3D2 is ranked as high in Europe. My short operation is not going to make a serious dent in the demand, but I am just going to contribute the little I can.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji 4 May 2023

I hope that I resolved the power issues. I got a nice looking 3.8 kW generator, which I can use if any issues occur. One of a sudden I feel so much better! If only the mosquitos will call it quits, but it's not going to happen... Until now there was a nice breeze that kept them mostly at bay. However, today it's perfectly still and they're out in big numbers... and very hungry.
For EU stations: I plan to be on 20 m between 05:30 and 08 UTC, and then on 15 m between 08 and 10 UTC. If the propagation on 15 m drops, I will go back to 20 m, where I logged EU stations until past 10:30 UTC.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 3 May 2023

I woke up feeling much better after resting last night. Unfortunately, I am having some problems with electrical power, but will manage. I will keep operating until May 7 at 18 UTC. Although I logged a few EU stations on 17 and 15 m, 20 m has been the band for EU. Since I arrived on the island the planetary index has dropped and stayed around K=1, which was a blessing.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 3 May 2023

I have been able to arrange with the locals and the people in charge of the school to setup the station on the north part of the island, which gives me great propagation path to Europe, not only to North America and Japan. It took a full day of negotiations on May 1, and I didn't want to start working from the village location in the meantime, since my path to EU would have been completely obstructed by the surrounding hills.

The K index decreased, and so I was able to reach virtually every single DXCC in Europe. I made 1300 contacts in a little over a day, but I do have some bad news: I have a serious case of gastro-enteritis. I have never experienced anything similar in all my trips. I am very sorry, not sure how it happened, because I was extremely careful, but it had to be associated with the food I ate here... Not only that I must take often breaks, because I am very sleepy, but the running stomach has given me some serious challenges and embarassement.
In any case, please do not worry, since I am not going to leave. I'll just hang in there, but if you are curious to know why I'm not staying longer on the bands at times, now you know. This started yesterday this time, and it has been a big pain throughout the day and night. Rest assured that I will continue to be as active as possible.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 2 May 2023

Cezar, VE3LYC is start his 3D2LYC activity from Yanuca Island, Fiji.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 28 April 2023

I arrived in Nadi at 05:50 am local time (UTC+12), with a delay of about 45 min compared to the announced schedule. All my bags arrived in good condition. The flight to Suva was uneventful, and a taxi took me to Antoine's (3D2AG) home. A little later he accompanied me to go shopping for some electrical components (power supply cables, power bar, connectors, etc.) under a torrential rain. I found everything I needed, and a couple of hours later the sun is shining brightly with virtually no cloud in the sky. Learned today that "c" in Fijian is pronounced like "d", so the name of the island I'll be travelling to is pronounced... Yanuda! 3D2LYC

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Ringgold Islands Fiji News 24 April 2023

There are a few more days before my departure to Fiji. All my equipment has been checked and will be packed shortly for the long voyage. I learned that the locals in Yanuca have no tables or chairs, as they are used to sit down on palm leaf carpets. This seems much better than sitting on rocks inside the tent on Bouvet, but I decided to bring along a folding table and chair, which I think that will be helpful when operating long hours. There is no solar power grid and no generators on Yanuca. Moreover, there are no gas generators on Taveuni. As such, I will bring along a diesel generator. Worth noting, depending on the sea condition and weather, if my cargo will be deemed too heavy, I will have to organize two trips to get everything to the island.

I am pretty excited, but it doesn't appear that this planned activity triggered a lot of interest among the IOTA chasers. In any case, while thanking again those who graciously supported this project with a donation of $10 or more, I would like to assure them that if they'll make the log I will confirm their contacts by both direct QSL and LoTW without OQRS.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Announcement

There have been two previous operations from OC-189, the first in 1993 and the second in 2007. I will be travelling to Fiji for the sole purpose of bringing this IOTA reference back on the air after a 16-year hiatus. OC-189 currently ranks #47 of the IOTA most wanted, in demand by almost 90% of its membership.

I will be flying from home to Nadi, and from there to Taveuni Island. The trip to Yanuca will be done using the services of a driver with a motor canoe, similar to what I experienced during my voyage in April/May 2018 to Duff Island, OC-179 (H40D). There are no typical tourist accommodations in Yanuca, and so I had to obtain permission from the local Chief to visit and operate from their village. I have also retained services in Taveuni that will allow me to resource a generator, gas, as well as food and water provisions for my stay in Yanuca.

My goal is to make 4000 QSOs with 2500 unique stations located on six continents. I will operate primarily on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and 30 m, using CW and SSB. Worth noting, Club Log ranks 3D2 relatively high, at #58 on the list of most wanted DXCC in Europe. As such, I will be looking for European stations in SSB, not just in CW, at the appropriate times.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island, FijiYanuca Island, Fiji. Author - Arthur Chapman.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island, Fiji DX NewsYanuca Island, Fiji. Author - Tom.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island, Fiji Tourist attractions spotYanuca Island, Fiji. Author - kauloa.

3D2LYC. Where is Yanuca Island located. Map.

3D2LYC Yanuca Island Fiji. Sunrise 03-01-2025 at 18:07 GMT sunset at 06:35 GMT
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Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: F5SIH
  • 2023-05-05 13:21:18