The well-known saying claims that every man should build a house, plant a tree and have a son. I would extend this list, in case the man is a radio amateur, with one more goal – make certain that your son becomes interested in Amateur Radio.
My first visit to São Vicente took place in November 2000. I spent a few weeks in Mindelo, the only town on the island, and made thousands of CW contacts using my call sign D44CF.
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is pleased to announce three of the four Sponsored Teams that will compete at WRTC2014.
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC), is pleased to announce the fifty-nine referees that will be monitoring the competing teams during the competition July 12-13, 2014.