DX Ham Radio Amateur Radio Articles Page 15

D44TWQ Boa Vista Island Story
2019-09-21 22:41:05
I operated from the island of Boa Vista in Cape Verde for just three days whilst on holiday there in November 2013.

D44CF Mindelo 2014
2017-05-23 18:54:03
This is not a story about contesting. I do like contests, and in my opinion every Amateur Radio operator should participate in a contest at least a few times in his/her lifetime.

9L1A Sierra Leone News Pictures
2017-05-23 18:55:28
Just to let you know that I am finalizing my tour in Sierra Leone, will be returning on 1st June, so another month.

The longest message ever sent via Morse Code
2016-06-06 22:19:12
In 1864, as Abraham Lincoln fought for re-election during the Civil War, he was eager to admit Nevada to the Union because of its pro-Unionist and largely Republican sympathies.

2019-05-24 21:06:44
I shall not make a secret – it was a dream of many of us to become activators of this last new one RDA and make a serious expedition to be memorized for long time by us and possibly by many other hams.

Ukranian Government Licensing
2016-07-14 16:06:44
The Ukrainian government has confirmed new rules for radio amateurs.

JY1 King Hussein Loyal Memory
2017-05-23 18:58:10
In Loyal Memory of JY1 King Hussein of Jordan Feb 1-Feb 28, 0000Z-2359Z, Stations From All Over The World Is Participating In This Event.

HAM Radio Hoarder
2017-01-10 21:13:59
Humorous video/song about love and Ham Radios. Funny video Enjoy it.

Agatti Island VU7AG Photo gallery
2017-12-10 15:25:35
DX Pedition to Agatti Island VU7AG Photogallery.

Agatti Island VU7AG
2019-08-15 17:04:51
VU7AG DX Pedition to Agatti Island, Lakshadweep Islands QRT now with 55298 QSO in log.