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DX Peditions Ham Radio Amateur Radio Page 29

TN2MS Congo

TN2MS Congo

2017-05-14 14:16:03
PA3A, PD1AEG, PA8AD, PA8AN will be active from Congo 28 September - 11 October 2013 as TN2MS.
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TO2TT Mayotte Island

TO2TT Mayotte Island

2017-01-28 20:03:39
I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, JA3USA, IZ2AXF will be active from Mayotte Island 3 - 17 October 2013 as TO2TT.
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W8A American Samoa

W8A American Samoa

2016-07-27 12:26:20
9M6XRO, W6SZN, ZL1GO, JH3PRR and ZL3CW will be active from American Samoa 12 - 22 November 2013 as W8A.
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TX5K Clipperton Island QSL

TX5K Clipperton Island QSL

2023-04-02 09:20:30
The TX5K QSLs for the March Clipperton Island DXpedition should start to flow out sometime around the end of June.
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H44S H44AJ Sikaiana Atoll

H44S H44AJ Sikaiana Atoll

2019-10-03 00:47:07
IT9YRE and K9AJ will be active from Sikaiana Atoll (IOTA OC-285), Solomon Islands 4 - 7 June 2013 as H44S and H44AJ.
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N8A American Samoa

N8A American Samoa

2019-09-17 15:17:15
We, JH3PRR, W6SZN, ZL1GO and ZL3CW, are undertaking a DXpedition to American Samoa (KH8) under the Special Events Station Callsign N8A especially for the CQWW CW contest but with extended precontest activity intended to make KH8 widely available.
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FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release

2016-07-03 01:07:07
The following Press Release is from K0IR, Ralph Fedor, team leader of the upcoming January 2014 Amsterdam Island (FT5ZM) DXpedition
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XR0ZR Juan Fernandez Islands

XR0ZR Juan Fernandez Islands

2016-05-11 20:02:50
IW3SQY, IZ8GCE, EA3AKY, WA7NB, SP3DOI, IV3DSH, CE3PG will be active from Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez Islands 8 - 20 November 2013 as XR0ZR.
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3B9DX Rodrigues Island

3B9DX Rodrigues Island

2017-08-25 17:27:08
JA8BMK, JA8CDG, JN1THL, JQ1LCW will be active from Rodrigues Island 1 - 10 March 2013 as 3B9DX.
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Lord Howe Island 2013

Lord Howe Island 2013

2017-11-25 19:39:57
JA3ARJ, JA3BZO, JA3HJI, JA1CJA, JA3AVO, JH3PBL will be active from Lord Howe Island 11 - 18 January 2013 as JA3ARJ/VK9L, JA3BZO/VK9L, JA3HJI/VK9L, AE6XY/VK9L, W7AVO/VK9L, W7PBL/VK9L.
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PT0S Video

PT0S Video

2023-04-16 21:53:28
Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks DX Pedition PT0S Video
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H40T Temotu Province

H40T Temotu Province

2019-09-22 21:34:32
DK1BT, DK7LX, DL4WK, DL7KL, DL7DF, DL7UFN, DL7UFR, SP3CYY and SP3DOI will be active from Temotu Province, Solomon Islands 12 - 23 March 2013 as H40T.
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626 articles found