DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 5

Jarda, OK4MM - The Pragmatic DX-man
2025-01-31 09:43:00
The call sign OK4MM appears from time to time on this DX News portal, as well as on some other DX related web pages, mostly announcing activities from islands of the IOTA programme.

SV1GA/A Mount Athos
2025-01-30 23:41:31
While waiting for an answer from the local authorities that issued our permit, the SV1GA/A team decided to leave Mt. Athos.

Video W3LPL History of Transoceanic Radio Communications
2025-01-30 22:56:16
Presentation covers radio technology development from the Maxwell's mathematical description of electromagnetic waves in 1860-1865, Hertz's development of a crude spark transmitter and spark receiver that proved the existence electromagnetic waves in 1886-1888

9X2AW Rwanda
2025-01-30 08:10:47
Harold, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from Rwanda, 27 January - 15 February 2025.

2025-01-29 19:24:15
FP5KE Team will be active from Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands, IOTA NA - 032, in 2025.

OK5Z - The Moravian Contest Group
2025-01-29 07:52:19
The Moravian Contest Group is small and young, but very dynamic and bold.

Single Operator DX Pedition in West Africa
2025-01-28 12:06:35
Usually, it is not a good when your husband disagrees with your parents, but when it comes to amateur radio there is usually nothing you can do to stop them.

HD8G Galapagos Islands
2025-01-27 18:08:06
HD8G Team will be active from Galapagos Islands, IOTA SA - 004, 18 - 25 April 2025.

5H3DX Tanzania
2025-01-27 17:35:46
Chas, NK8O will be active again as 5H3DX from Tanzania, 20 February - 6 March 2025.

Contesting on All Bands From 1,8 MHz to 1,3 GHz in OL3Z Style
2025-01-25 08:54:03
While the majority of Amateur Radio operators choose only a few of the HF bands, below 30 MHz, to participate in contests, there are some broad-minded enthusiasts who go beyond this limit and have as much fun on VHF, UHF and SHF bands.

JW2T JW/LB0VG Svalbard
2025-01-25 19:22:39
JW2T Team will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU - 026, 24 - 26 January 2025.

PJ2/NF9V Curacao Island
2025-01-24 15:40:06
Rudy, NF9V will be active as PJ2/NF9V from Curacao Island, IOTA SA-099, 11 - 18 February 2025.