DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 287

KH9/KJ6GHN Wake Island
2016-06-20 17:29:51
YL Lisa, KJ6GHN is currently on Wake Island for the next 2 - 3 years and she will be active as KH9/KJ6GHN.

CE9OJZ King George Island
2017-11-25 17:47:55
CE3OJZ will active from King George Island (Waterloo Island) IOTA AN-010, South Shetland Islands 2014 - 2015 as CE9OJZ.

JW/W2NAF JW/K8GU Spitsbergen Islands
2016-09-13 20:30:29
W2NAF and K8GU will be active from Spitsbergen Islands (IOTA EU-026) 23 - 30 May 2014 as JW/W2NAF and JW/K8GU.

H92G Isla Grande
2016-07-01 13:33:40
HP2BWJ will be active from Isla Grande (IOTA NA-202) 19 - 20 July 2014 as H92G.

6Y3W Jamaica 6Y/UT5UDX
2024-10-15 19:47:21
UT5UDX will be active from Jamaica 20 - 30 May 2014 as 6Y/UT5UDX.

TA1/JH0CJH Turkey
2017-02-21 13:34:52
JH0CJH will be active from Turkey 22 - 25 May 2014 as TA1/JH0CJH.

ZD8Z Ascension Island 2014
2016-06-11 00:56:20
N6TJ will be active from Ascension Island 26 May - 3 June 2014 as ZD8Z

SV2ASP/A Mount Athos News 13 May 2014
2016-08-06 09:36:53
Yes indeed that was Monk Apollo QRV today on CW. In fact he is still on 21.020 right now as I type this.

VK9DAC Norfolk Island
2016-07-01 13:41:09
VK3DAC will be active from Norfolk Island 20 - 27 May 2014 as VK9DAC.

XT26DJ XT2FCJ Burkina Faso
2017-03-08 08:24:58
OK6DJ and OK1FCJ will be active from Burkina Faso 17 - 26 November 2013 as XT26DJ and XT2FCJ.

Mellish Reef VK9MT QSL
2016-06-16 13:07:47
Our QSL manager Tim Beaumont M0URX, and his team, have completed the design of the VK9MT Mellish Reef QSL card.