3W9ND Hoi An Vietnam 2018-12-30 16:45:25 Neven, LZ1COM will be active as 3W9ND from Hoi An, Vietnam, 30 December 2018 - 5 January 2019. Views5912 Comments4 80% More...
5V7EI Togo 2019-03-11 17:28:03 Members of EIDX Group will be active as 5V7EI from Togo, 14 - 26 March 2019. Views13593 Comments4 80% More...
PJ4Z Bonaire Island 2018-12-28 14:37:16 PJ4Z Team will be active from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA - 006, 4 - 10 February 2019. Views13740 Comments4 100% More...
PJ5/W9DR Sint Eustatius Island 2018-12-28 13:06:36 David, W9DR will be active as PJ5/W9DR from Sint Eustatius Island, IOTA NA - 145, 25 June - 2 July 2019. Views7393 Comments1 80% More...
8P9CA Barbados 2024-01-02 23:05:05 Willy, KB8YRX will be active as 8P9CA from Barbados, IOTA NA - 021, 15 January - 4 February 2019. Views11852 Comments0 More...
HC8GET Galapagos Islands 2018-12-27 17:42:09 Gerhard, OE3GEA will be active as HC8GET from Galapagos Islands, IOTA SA - 004, 13 - 25 January 2019. Views8641 Comments2 100% More...
E51HMK Rarotonga Island Cook Islands 2018-12-23 20:06:07 Hans, DK2HM will be active as E51HMK from Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC - 013, Cook Islands, 14 - 22 March 2019. Views8981 Comments1 100% More...
FO/JI1JKW Fakarava Atoll Tuamotu Archipelago 2021-12-11 11:21:21 Hiro, JI1JKW will be active as FO/JI1JKW from Fakarava Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, IOTA OC - 066, 23 - 26 December 2018. Views8144 Comments0 More...
V84SAA Brunei 2018-12-28 06:13:15 V84SAA Team will be active from Istana Pantai, Brunei, 7 - 18 February 2019. Views15572 Comments6 80% More...
XV9FUD XV9ZT Vietnam 2023-03-19 10:15:25 SP2FUD and SP2GCJ will be active as XV9FUD and XV9ZT from Vietnam, 4 - 18 February 2019. Views7014 Comments0 More...
S79AA Mahe Island Seychelles 2019-09-20 12:33:45 Mike, OE6MBG will be active as S79AA from Mahe Island, IOTA AF - 024, Seychelles, 5 January - 2 February 2019. Views13919 Comments0 More...
RI1ANV Vostok Station Antarctica 2018-12-26 20:20:53 Alexey, RD1AV will be active as RI1ANV from Vostok Station, Antarctica, 24 December 2018 - 15 February 2019. Views11946 Comments1 100% More...
J8CW Saint Vincent Island 2018-12-12 08:01:11 Tom, KC0W planning to be active as J8CW from Saint Vincent Island, IOTA NA - 109. Views5968 Comments1 100% More...
C6A/DD0VR The Bahamas 2018-12-10 16:05:30 Helmut, DD0VR will be active as C6A/DD0VR from Bahamas, 21 January - 2 February 2019. Views10872 Comments1 100% More...
Video VP6D Ducie Island DX Pedition 2018-12-09 19:12:11 14-member international team undertake long voyage to Ducie Island from Mangareva, French Polynesia, aboard the MV Braveheart. Views7599 Comments0 More...