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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Announcements Page 1

DX75BDM Capas National Shrine

DX75BDM Capas National Shrine

2017-04-08 09:39:20
The Ham Radio Communications Group (DX1HAM) will active as DX75BDM from Capas National Shrine, Tarlac, Philippines.
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OE17ATOM Austria

OE17ATOM Austria

2017-03-19 12:46:49
Special event station OE17ATOM - from nuclear energy to SOLAR energy.
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EY8MM Topband dinner Dayton

EY8MM Topband dinner Dayton

2017-04-18 21:10:36
I am very proud to announce that Nodir, EY8MM will be the keynote speaker for the 28th Annual Topband dinner in Dayton on Friday May 19, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza.
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2017-03-07 17:43:57
When I close my eyes at night I hear music, it’s the Sirens song calling for me to visit a remote Australian island.
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TF/KM4SII Iceland

TF/KM4SII Iceland

2019-10-08 22:49:04
I will be active from Iceland as TF/KM4SII, 13-19 March, 2017.
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GT4BRS Isle of Man

GT4BRS Isle of Man

2019-09-21 22:31:31
Dear Barry Amateur Radio Society, will be going on a "Holiday Style Club Dxpedition" to the Isle of Man (GD) From 15th April until 22nd April 2017.
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YB9K Lombok Island

YB9K Lombok Island

2019-09-07 17:57:13
Radio Amateurs from Indonesia will be active from Lombok Island, IOTA OC - 150, as YB9K.
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North Country DX Association

North Country DX Association

2017-01-27 15:25:42
Members of the North Country DX Association (NCDXA) will be active the entire month of March 2017 from several different locations in Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Greenland using all NCDXA “RST” fixed station calls KL7RST, VY1RST, VE8RST, VY0RST and OX7RST to further promote Amateur Radio in northern North America.
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Visalia International DX Convention

Visalia International DX Convention

2019-09-06 10:44:51
An Announcement for Amateur Radio & DX Enthusiasts: The Northern California DX Club is honored and pleased to present the 68th International DX Convention in Visalia, CA., April 21 – 23, 2017.
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Bouvet Island

Bouvet Island

2017-01-12 20:30:32
Dom, 3Z9DX inform that he is looking for 3 operators willing to join DX Pedition to Bouvet Island.
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VK5CE Christmas present

VK5CE Christmas present

2017-01-14 09:25:01
Merry Christmas from Craig VK5CE. Let's make 2017 a really really Happy New Year with lots of VK IOTA's going on the air.
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Algerian Lighthouse Award

Algerian Lighthouse Award

2016-11-24 12:06:32
Algerian Amateur Radio Union (ARU) organizes during 2016 five different lighthouses activations on the Algerian coast.
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Santa Claus is now active OF9X

Santa Claus is now active OF9X

2016-11-20 21:25:27
The busy yuletide season is soon upon us, and Santa is preparing his sleigh for another world tour. The old man is very busy, but fortunately the elves are there to help him deliver the Christmas spirit to the world’s children.
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PC16XMAS Netherlands

PC16XMAS Netherlands

2016-11-16 15:05:53
PC16XMAS, Christmas activity by the Dutch radio amateur PD9Z (Sascha) and shack visitors.
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264 articles found