DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 229
Cayo Sombrero Island IOTA
2016-09-04 11:57:03
Amateur Radio Team from Venezuela will be active from Cay Sombrero Island (IOTA SA-089) 8 - 12 October 2015 as YY4TSS/1, YY4DCT/1, YV1KK/P, YY1YLY/1, YV4ET/1, YY4FJF/1, YV4KW/1, YY4CFS/1, YV6DFF/1, YY6MEM/1, YV6CR/1, YV4MP/1, YV2CAR/1, YY4CDM/1, YV4BHH/1, YY4AKA/1, YY4ALE/1, YV4NR/1, YY4RDC/1, YY4SAT/1.
YF1AR/0 Panggang Island
2016-04-29 20:17:22
Budi Santoso, YF1AR will be active from Panggang Island, Seribu Islands (IOTA OC-177) 24 - 26 September 2015 as YF1AR/0.
Z21MG Zimbabwe
2016-07-31 11:27:36
David OK6DJ, Petr OK1FCJ/OL8R, Pavel OK1FPS will be active from Zimbabwe 18 - 30 September 2015 as Z21MG.
QRO CLUB offers free DX Pedition travel amplifiers
2015-09-21 14:51:02
Dxpeditioners take note, there’s a new club to help you out: the “QRO CLUB”. Supported by W1YW and the Fractal Amateur Radio Club (W1FRX), the QRO CLUB has one objective--to keep DX on the bands active.
VK6BP/P Koolan Island
2017-05-25 20:44:17
Chris, VK6BP will be active from Koolan Island (IOTA OC-071) only one day 21 September 2015 as VK6BP/P.
WS5K/KH8 KH8/WS5K American Samoa
2016-06-20 10:14:36
Stanley, WS5K will be active from American Samoa 20 September - 4 October 2015 as WS5K/KH8.
T2GC Tuvalu
2016-04-19 18:49:39
Stanislav Vatev LZ1GC, Lubo Martiska OM5ZW, John Mitton KK7L will be active from Tuvalu 24 September - 14 October 2015 as T2GC.
YF1AR/0 Pari Island
2016-04-29 20:21:00
Budi Santoso, YF1AR will be active from Pari Island, Seribu Islands (IOTA OC-177) 19 - 20 September 2015 as YF1AR/0.
VK5MAV/8 Croker Island
2015-11-14 22:27:36
Andrey Mikhaylov, VK5MAV will be active from Croker Island (IOTA OC-229) 1 - 6 November 2015 as VK5MAV/8.
5W0IF Upolu Island Samoa
2016-06-24 00:15:21
Lars, ZL1IF will be active from Upolu Island, Samoa (IOTA OC-097) 25 November - 3 December 2015 as 5W0IF.
VP8SGI VP8STI News 15.09.2015
2023-04-23 23:37:37
The South Sandwich Islands are a cold and inhospitable place. At 59 degrees south, Southern Thule Island is one of the most remote places on Earth.
J3/DH5FS Grenada Island
2019-09-22 13:57:15
DH5FS will be active from Grenada till end of September 2015 as J3/DH5FS.
3D2YJ Viti Levu Island Fiji
2015-09-23 07:41:07
Kazu, JA8ECS will be active from Viti Levu Island, Fiji 23 - 28 September 2015 as 3D2YJ.