A52CC Bhutan 2021-11-19 09:31:51 Peter, G4ENL will be active as A52CC from Bhutan, until 21 December 2021. Views6123 Comments0 More...
ZP5AA Paraguay 2023-03-25 02:18:19 N2TTA will be active as ZP5AA from Paraguay in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 27 - 28 November 2021. Views12344 Comments3 100% More...
P40XX P4/N3DXX Aruba 2021-12-24 12:32:00 Art, N3DXX is currently active from Aruba, IOTA SA - 036 as P4/N3DXX and P40XX. Views9143 Comments1 100% More...
UA9BA CQ WW SSB 2021 SOAB QRP. A FIGHT WITH TEMPTATION 2021-11-13 08:16:20 It was early October of 2021 when I thoroughly considered my plans for the upcoming SSB contest. Views6498 Comments10 80% More...
TL7M Central African Republic 2021-11-20 09:22:57 Kenneth, LA7GIA will be active as TL7M from Central African Republic, starting 30 October 2021. Views18819 Comments10 100% More...
5X3Z Uganda 2021-11-08 18:02:24 John, KN4NNF is currently active as 5X3Z from Uganda. Views4795 Comments2 100% More...
5H3WX Zanzibar Island 2021-11-07 20:30:44 Vlad, OK2WX will be active as 5H3WX from Zanzibar Island, IOTA AF - 032, Tanzania, 8 November - 6 December 2021. Views7661 Comments1 100% More...
D4F Sao Vicente Island Cabo Verde 2021-10-29 23:01:15 Massimo, IZ4DPV will be active as D4F from Sao Vicente Island, IOTA AF-086, Cabo Verde, (Cape Verde), in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 30 - 31 October 2021. Views23414 Comments2 100% More...
6Y6Y Jamaica 2021-10-26 20:17:17 Lester, W8YCM will be active from Jamaica, IOTA NA - 097, starting 28 November 2021, as 6Y6Y. Views27186 Comments5 80% More...
8Q7HI Summer Island Maldive Islands 2021-10-26 17:24:12 Sasha, DL1HI will be active from Summer Island, Maldive Islands, IOTA AS - 013, 24 - 30 October 2021. Views8028 Comments0 More...
A47RS Oman 2021-10-24 21:06:48 SV5DKL will be active as A47RS from Oman in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 30 October 2021. Views9039 Comments2 100% More...
3D2CR Conway Reef 2021-10-23 20:15:34 IOTA Management regrets that it will not be able to accept for IOTA credit contacts made with the 3D2CR operation from Conway Reef between 18 and 25 September 2021. Views87801 Comments44 80% More...
A44M A43MI Masirah Island 2021-10-29 08:29:08 A44M Team will be active from Masirah Island, IOTA AS - 014 in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 30 - 31 October 2021. Views10375 Comments2 100% More...
7P8RU Lesotho 2021-10-25 07:09:29 7P8RU Team will be active from Lesotho, starting 22 October 2021. Views29681 Comments16 100% More...
8Q7RO Fihalhohi Island 2021-10-20 12:15:48 Tor, DG7RO will be active from Fihalhohi Island, Maldives, IOTA AS - 013, until 13 January 2022. Views11600 Comments0 More...