On Saturday February 27th the XR9JA have end there transmittion from Greenwich Island, Antarctica to cooporate with Emergency Net, due to the earthquake on concepcion.
As of Sept 2014 the 3 U. S. Antarctic stations, KC4AAA, KC4AAC, and KC4USV, are now using LOTW whenever the operator there sends the QSL Manager a E-Log.
With South Georgia behind us now (in terms of radio operation, currently the ship is at anchor about a mile off the island) I am turning my attention to operating from Rothera base, Adelaide Island.
FT3YL. Francois, F4HLT will be active from Dumont d'Urville Station, Geology Archipelago, IOTA AN - 017, Adelie Land, Antarctica starting December 2016 as FT3YL.
VP8DOI Estaci?n de investigaci?n Halley en la Ant?rtida
Will, M0ZXA estar? activo como VP8DOI desde la Estaci?n de Investigaci?n Halley, Ant?rtida, de enero a febrero de 2021.
Operar? en bandas de HF.
Video announcement VP8DOI Halley Research Station, Antarctica. Op - M0ZXA.
More information on:
VP8DOI Halley Research Station Antarctica