Robert, KE4AL inform that Tom K4ZGB, Bryan N8WD, Rick AA4W, Robert KE4AL will be active from Saint Croix Island, US Virgin Islands, IOTA NA - 106, 6 - 14 December 2016 as WP2/K4ZGB, KP2/N8WD, KP2/AA4W, KP2/KE4AL.
Before sending out a press release, I wanted to share the following with those fellow hams who generously pledged to financially support the Bouvet Island "one-man three-month concept".
Are you as excited as I am, being able to work K1N Navassa, the #2 Most Wanted Entity? What a thrill, and what a fine job the operators are doing under such difficult conditions!
On 26 October 2014 an announcement was made through various channels that I had obtained permission to land and reside on Bouvet Island (3Y/B) for the mid-January 2016 until mid-April 2016 time frame.
It was in the departure lounge that the team met with the Timor-Leste, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, our team leader VK8NSB Stuie had the chance to inform him of our DXpedition to Atauro Island. The team had a group photograph with the Prime Minister before boarding our flight.